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Bad Calculated Bond Lengths

List of molecules with calculated bond lengths that differ by more than 0.050 Å from experimental bond lengths.

Calculated at BLYP/6-311G**

17 02 03 13 22
Species Name Bond type Bond Length (Å)
Experimental Calculated Difference
C3H3NO Isoxazole rCH 1.075 1.430 0.355
C2H4O3 trioxolane124 rCN 1.303 2.231 0.928
CH3CCl(CH3)CH3 Propane, 2-chloro-2-methyl- rCCl 1.803 1.904 0.101
CH3CH(CH3)ONO Isopropyl nitrite rON 1.414 1.522 0.108
C4H10O Methyl propyl ether rCC 1.530 1.101 -0.429
C4H10O Methyl propyl ether rCH 1.099 1.429 0.330
CH3OCl methyl hypochlorite rOCl 1.674 1.795 0.121
ZnS Zinc sulfide rSZn 2.046 2.182 0.136
CFCl chlorofluoromethylene rCCl 1.714 1.824 0.110
ClNO Nitrosyl chloride rNCl 1.975 2.105 0.130
SO2F2 Sulfuryl fluoride rFS 1.530 1.632 0.102
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.085 4.238 3.153
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.087 3.447 2.360
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCC 1.476 2.278 0.802
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.087 1.838 0.751
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.098 1.788 0.690
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.098 1.768 0.670
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.070 1.524 0.454
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCC 1.515 1.099 -0.416
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCC 1.300 1.523 0.223
CH3SO2NH2 methanesulfonamide rCN 1.207 1.736 0.529
HClO4 perchloric acid rOCl 1.641 1.805 0.164
ClFO3 Perchloryl fluoride rFCl 1.598 1.781 0.183
SOCl2 thionyl chloride rSCl 2.076 2.228 0.152
Cl2 Chlorine diatomic rClCl 1.988 2.095 0.107
F2SO Thionyl Fluoride rFS 1.585 1.687 0.102
BrF3 Bromine trifluoride rFBr 1.721 1.833 0.112
FNO3 Fluorine nitrate rNO 1.507 1.611 0.104
BrF5 bromine pentafluoride rFBr 1.689 1.813 0.124
ClF3 Chlorine trifluoride rFCl 1.597 1.730 0.133
ClF3 Chlorine trifluoride rFCl 1.697 1.805 0.108
He2+ helium diatomic cation rHeHe 1.081 1.190 0.109
ClSSCl Disulfur dichloride rSCl 2.057 2.216 0.159
NCl3 nitrogen trichloride rNCl 1.754 1.855 0.102
PCl5 Phosphorus pentachloride rPCl 2.124 2.228 0.104
N2O4 Dinitrogen tetroxide rNN 1.782 1.909 0.127
N2O3 Dinitrogen trioxide rNN 1.864 2.000 0.136
SCl2 Sulfur dichloride rSCl 2.013 2.115 0.102
LiK Lithium Potassium rLiK 3.270 3.372 0.102
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.450 2.282 -0.168
Ne2 Neon diatomic rNeNe 3.100 2.669 -0.431
Ne2+ Neon diatomic cation rNeNe 1.765 1.948 0.183
ClOOCl Dichlorine dioxide rOCl 1.704 2.034 0.329
ClOOCl Dichlorine dioxide rOO 1.426 1.246 -0.180
Ar2+ Argon diatomic cation rArAr 2.320 2.726 0.406
BrNO Nitrosyl bromide rNBr 2.140 2.242 0.102
ClNO2 Nitryl chloride rNCl 1.840 2.028 0.188
SOF4 Sulfur tetrafluoride oxide rFS 1.539 1.641 0.102
KrF2 Krypton difluoride rFKr 1.875 1.980 0.105
SF5Cl sulfur chloropentafluoride rSCl 2.030 2.174 0.143
Al2Cl6 Aluminum, di-μ-chlorotetrachlorodi- rAlCl 2.040 2.314 0.274
Al2Cl6 Aluminum, di-μ-chlorotetrachlorodi- rAlCl 2.240 2.104 -0.136
HSSSH trisulfane rHS 1.344 2.145 0.801
FSN Thiazyl fluoride rFS 1.643 1.767 0.124
S4 Sulfur tetramer rSS 2.155 2.687 0.532
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.400 2.248 -0.152
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.220 2.103 -0.117
OPCl Phosphorus oxychloride rPCl 2.059 2.169 0.111
ClOF3 Chlorine trifluoride oxide rFCl 1.603 1.776 0.173
ClOF3 Chlorine trifluoride oxide rFCl 1.713 1.840 0.127
Al2 Aluminum diatomic rAlAl 2.701 2.803 0.102
SFCl Sulfur chloride fluoride rSCl 1.994 2.098 0.104
62 molecules.