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Bad Calculated Bond Lengths

List of molecules with calculated bond lengths that differ by more than 0.050 Å from experimental bond lengths.

Calculated at CCSD/cc-pCVDZ

Species Name Bond type Bond Length (Å)
Experimental Calculated Difference
Na2 Sodium diatomic rNaNa 3.079 3.189 0.110
N2 Nitrogen diatomic rNN 1.213 1.112 -0.101
N2 Nitrogen diatomic rNN 1.213 1.112 -0.101
FSN Thiazyl fluoride rFS 1.643 1.706 0.063
NCl nitrogen monochloride rNCl 1.611 1.671 0.060
CaS Calcium sulfide rSCa 2.318 2.377 0.059
AlN Aluminum nitride rNAl 1.786 1.843 0.056
BH3CO Borane carbonyl rBC 1.534 1.588 0.054
SCl sulfur monochloride rSCl 1.975 2.028 0.053
LiCl lithium chloride rLiCl 2.021 2.074 0.053
OClO Chlorine dioxide rClO 1.470 1.522 0.053
HClO4 perchloric acid rOCl 1.404 1.456 0.052
ClF Chlorine monofluoride rFCl 1.628 1.680 0.052
Cl2 Chlorine diatomic rClCl 1.988 2.039 0.051
14 molecules.