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Bad Calculated Bond Lengths

List of molecules with calculated bond lengths that differ by more than 0.050 Å from experimental bond lengths.

Calculated at CISD/Def2TZVPP

Species Name Bond type Bond Length (Å)
Experimental Calculated Difference
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.085 4.177 3.092
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.087 3.396 2.309
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCC 1.476 2.240 0.764
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.087 1.810 0.723
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCH 1.095 1.815 0.720
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCH 1.095 1.811 0.716
S4 Sulfur tetramer rSS 2.155 2.836 0.681
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.098 1.762 0.664
ONNO NO dimer rNN 2.236 1.584 -0.652
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.098 1.747 0.649
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCC 1.515 1.081 -0.434
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCH 1.089 1.518 0.429
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCH 1.089 1.516 0.427
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.070 1.496 0.426
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCH 1.092 1.518 0.426
Ar2 Argon diatomic rArAr 3.758 4.182 0.424
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCH 1.092 1.516 0.424
C2H4F2 1,2-difluoroethane rCH 1.093 1.507 0.414
C2H4F2 1,2-difluoroethane rCH 1.093 1.496 0.403
CH2CHCH2F Allyl Fluoride rHC 1.130 1.489 0.359
CH2CHCH2F Allyl Fluoride rHC 1.130 1.488 0.358
C3H3NO Isoxazole rCH 1.075 1.419 0.344
S4 Sulfur tetramer rSS 2.155 2.464 0.309
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCS 1.820 1.516 -0.304
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCS 1.820 1.518 -0.302
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCC 1.528 1.815 0.287
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCC 1.528 1.811 0.283
Si2H2 disilyne rSiSi 2.215 1.961 -0.254
C2H2+ acetylene cation rCH 1.077 1.309 0.232
Si2H2 disilyne rSiH 1.668 1.455 -0.213
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCC 1.300 1.498 0.198
S4 Sulfur tetramer rSS 1.898 2.094 0.196
Si2H2 disilyne rSiH 1.668 1.481 -0.187
S4 Sulfur tetramer rSS 2.155 1.996 -0.159
S3 Sulfur trimer rSS 1.917 2.064 0.147
Si2H2 disilyne rSiSi 2.215 2.088 -0.127
Si2H2 disilyne rSiSi 2.215 2.099 -0.116
Na2 Sodium diatomic rNaNa 3.079 3.189 0.110
KOH Potassium hydroxide rOK 2.212 2.317 0.105
N2 Nitrogen diatomic rNN 1.098 1.202 0.104
N2 Nitrogen diatomic rNN 1.098 1.202 0.104
SiP Silicon monophosphide rSiP 2.078 1.976 -0.101
KH Potassium hydride rKH 2.243 2.326 0.084
TeO2 Tellurium Dioxide rOTe 1.830 1.751 -0.079
CaBr Calcium monobromide rCaBr 2.594 2.670 0.077
NaLi lithium sodium rLiNa 2.889 2.965 0.076
FNO Nitrosyl fluoride rNF 1.512 1.436 -0.076
GaCl3 Gallium trichloride rClGa 2.180 2.109 -0.071
C3H3NO Isoxazole rCC 1.356 1.289 -0.067
CaO Calcium monoxide rOCa 1.822 1.883 0.061
ClNO Nitrosyl chloride rNCl 1.975 1.915 -0.060
HCF Fluoromethylene rCH 1.138 1.079 -0.059
H2O2 Hydrogen peroxide rOO 1.475 1.419 -0.056
CH3CSNH2 Ethanethioamide rHN 1.050 0.995 -0.055
PS phosphorus sulfide rPS 1.900 1.846 -0.054
F2+ flourine diatomic cation rFF 1.322 1.268 -0.054
CaC Calcium monocarbide rCCa 2.302 2.353 0.052
HNO3 Nitric acid rNO 1.406 1.354 -0.052
58 molecules.