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Bad Calculated Bond Lengths

List of molecules with calculated bond lengths that differ by more than 0.050 Å from experimental bond lengths.

Calculated at B97D3/cc-pVQZ

Species Name Bond type Bond Length (Å)
Experimental Calculated Difference
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.085 4.217 3.132
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.087 3.414 2.327
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCC 1.476 2.260 0.784
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCH 1.095 1.842 0.747
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCH 1.095 1.838 0.743
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.087 1.829 0.742
S4 Sulfur tetramer rSS 2.155 2.893 0.738
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.098 1.781 0.683
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.098 1.760 0.662
S4 Sulfur tetramer rSS 2.155 2.605 0.450
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCH 1.089 1.526 0.437
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.070 1.505 0.435
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCH 1.089 1.524 0.435
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCH 1.092 1.526 0.434
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCH 1.092 1.524 0.432
C2H4F2 1,2-difluoroethane rCH 1.093 1.523 0.430
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCC 1.515 1.095 -0.420
C2H4F2 1,2-difluoroethane rCH 1.093 1.508 0.415
CH2CHCH2F Allyl Fluoride rHC 1.130 1.495 0.365
CH2CHCH2F Allyl Fluoride rHC 1.130 1.493 0.363
C3H3NO Isoxazole rCH 1.075 1.422 0.347
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCC 1.528 1.842 0.314
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCC 1.528 1.838 0.310
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCS 1.820 1.524 -0.296
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCS 1.820 1.526 -0.294
C2H2+ acetylene cation rCH 1.077 1.321 0.244
S4 Sulfur tetramer rSS 1.898 2.140 0.242
Si2H2 disilyne rSiSi 2.215 1.977 -0.238
ONNO NO dimer rNN 2.236 2.006 -0.230
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCC 1.300 1.506 0.206
Ar2 Argon diatomic rArAr 3.758 3.963 0.205
Si2H2 disilyne rSiH 1.668 1.465 -0.203
N2 Nitrogen diatomic rNN 1.098 1.283 0.185
N2 Nitrogen diatomic rNN 1.098 1.283 0.185
S3 Sulfur trimer rSS 1.917 2.093 0.176
Si2H2 disilyne rSiH 1.668 1.498 -0.170
N2O4 Dinitrogen tetroxide rNN 1.782 1.900 0.118
N2 Nitrogen diatomic rNN 1.213 1.098 -0.114
N2 Nitrogen diatomic rNN 1.213 1.098 -0.114
N2 Nitrogen diatomic rNN 1.213 1.098 -0.114
N2 Nitrogen diatomic rNN 1.213 1.098 -0.114
He2+ helium diatomic cation rHeHe 1.081 1.188 0.107
Si2H2 disilyne rSiSi 2.215 2.111 -0.104
Si2H2 disilyne rSiSi 2.215 2.125 -0.091
SiP Silicon monophosphide rSiP 2.078 1.992 -0.086
NaLi lithium sodium rLiNa 2.889 2.974 0.085
GaAs Gallium arsenide rGaAs 2.530 2.612 0.082
GaAs Gallium arsenide rGaAs 2.530 2.607 0.077
Na2 Sodium diatomic rNaNa 3.079 3.154 0.075
N2 Nitrogen diatomic rNN 1.213 1.283 0.071
N2 Nitrogen diatomic rNN 1.213 1.283 0.071
C4H8O2 Ethyl acetate rCO 1.448 1.515 0.067
CFCl chlorofluoromethylene rCCl 1.714 1.781 0.067
ClNO Nitrosyl chloride rNCl 1.975 2.034 0.059
GaBr Gallium monobromide rGaBr 2.352 2.411 0.058
Si2H2 disilyne rSiH 1.668 1.725 0.057
FSN Thiazyl fluoride rFS 1.643 1.700 0.057
C2H2+ acetylene cation rCC 1.253 1.310 0.057
S4 Sulfur tetramer rSS 2.155 2.212 0.057
ZnCN Zinc monocyanide rCZn 1.950 2.006 0.056
CH2ClCCCl 1,3-dichloropropyne rCCl 1.779 1.834 0.056
SiBr Silicon monobromide rSiBr 2.209 2.263 0.054
AlBr Aluminum monobromide rAlBr 2.295 2.347 0.052
OPCl Phosphorus oxychloride rPCl 2.059 2.110 0.051
FNO Nitrosyl fluoride rNF 1.512 1.563 0.051
65 molecules.