Negative orbital occupation numbers
A negative orbital occupation number indicates that the electronic ground state
may not be well represented by a single electronic configuration.
Results for BeS (beryllium sulfide)
The following table lists the minimum orbital occupation numbers
Methods with standard basis sets
3-21G |
6-31G* |
aug-cc-pVTZ |
| |
3-21G |
6-31G* |
aug-cc-pVTZ |
Moller Plesset perturbation |
MP2 |
-0.00329 |
-0.00246 |
-0.00169 |
-0.00231 |
Coupled Cluster |
-0.00081 |
| |
3-21G |
6-31G* |
aug-cc-pVTZ |
The following table lists the T1 diagnostic