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Species with point groups that differ from experiment at CCSD(T)=FULL/cc-pVTZ

  Point group
Species Name Experimental Calculated
C2H4+ Ethylene cation D2h D2
CH3CHO Acetaldehyde Cs C1
CH3CHO+ acetaldehyde cation Cs C1
Br3- tribromide anion D∞h C2v
HCONHCH3 N-methylformamide Cs C1
CH2ClCH2OH2+ 2-chloroethanol, protonated C1 Cs
CHCl2CHO dichloroacetaldehyde C1 Cs
C6H10 3-Hexyne C2v C2
C2H5NO3 Nitric acid, ethyl ester C1 Cs