National Institute of Standards and Technology
Computational Chemistry Comparison and Benchmark DataBase
Release 22May 2022
NIST Standard Reference Database 101
IIExperimental data
IIICalculated data
IVData comparisons
VCost comparisons
VIInput and output files
VIITutorials and Units
VIIILinks to other sites
XOlder CCCBDB versions
XIII Vibrations
XIVReaction data
XVEntropy data
XVIBibliographic data
XVIIIon data
XVIIIBad calculations
XIXIndex of properties
XXH-bond dimers

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IV.A.4. (XIV.F.)

Relative enthalpies of isomers - Comparison of 298.15K enthalpies (kJ mol-1)

Isomers of C7H7

index Species CAS number Name Relative experimental enthalpy (kJ mol-1) sketch
a C7H7 3551277 cycloheptatrienyl radical   sketch of cycloheptatrienyl radical
b C6H5CH2 2154565 benzyl radical 0.0 sketch of benzyl radical
The calculated enthalpies include the calculated and scaled vibrational zero-point energy.
Methods with predefined basis sets
semi-empirical AM1 203.7 a
PM3 -227.7 a
0.0 b
PM6 215.4 a
composite G1
0.0 b
0.0 b
G2 94.9 a
0.0 b
G3 94.4 a
0.0 b
G3B3 59.9 a
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b

Methods with standard basis sets
STO-3G 3-21G 3-21G* 6-31G 6-31G* 6-31G** 6-31+G** 6-311G* 6-311G** 6-31G(2df,p) 6-311+G(3df,2p) TZVP cc-pVDZ cc-pVTZ aug-cc-pVDZ aug-cc-pVTZ cc-pV(T+d)Z daug-cc-pVTZ
hartree fock HF
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
393.9 a
0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b
density functional LSDA
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
61.6 a
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
wB97X-D     377.2 a
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
STO-3G 3-21G 3-21G* 6-31G 6-31G* 6-31G** 6-31+G** 6-311G* 6-311G** 6-31G(2df,p) 6-311+G(3df,2p) TZVP cc-pVDZ cc-pVTZ aug-cc-pVDZ aug-cc-pVTZ cc-pV(T+d)Z daug-cc-pVTZ
Moller Plesset perturbation MP2
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
74.8 a
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
72.7 a
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
MP3=FULL         84.5 a
0.0 b
  89.8 a
0.0 b
B2PLYP         72.3 a
0.0 b
0.0 b
            69.2 a
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
Configuration interaction CID  
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
STO-3G 3-21G 3-21G* 6-31G 6-31G* 6-31G** 6-31+G** 6-311G* 6-311G** 6-31G(2df,p) 6-311+G(3df,2p) TZVP cc-pVDZ cc-pVTZ aug-cc-pVDZ aug-cc-pVTZ cc-pV(T+d)Z daug-cc-pVTZ
Quadratic configuration interaction QCISD
0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b
Coupled Cluster CCD
0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b
STO-3G 3-21G 3-21G* 6-31G 6-31G* 6-31G** 6-31+G** 6-311G* 6-311G** 6-31G(2df,p) 6-311+G(3df,2p) TZVP cc-pVDZ cc-pVTZ aug-cc-pVDZ aug-cc-pVTZ cc-pV(T+d)Z daug-cc-pVTZ

Methods with effective core potentials (select basis sets)
CEP-31G CEP-31G* CEP-121G CEP-121G* LANL2DZ SDD cc-pVTZ-PP aug-cc-pVTZ-PP Def2TZVPP
hartree fock HF
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
    393.5 a
0.0 b
density functional B1B95
0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
0.0 b
0.0 b
Moller Plesset perturbation MP2
0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b

0.0 b
    411.9 a
0.0 b
NC = not calculated
For descriptions of the methods (AM1, HF, MP2, ...) and basis sets (3-21G, 3-21G*, 6-31G, ...) see the glossary in section I.C. Predefined means the basis set used is determined by the method.
gaw refers to the group additivity method implemeted in the NIST Chemistry Webbook.

See section III.C.1 List or set vibrational scaling factors to change the scale factors used here.
See section III.C.2 Calculate a vibrational scaling factor for a given set of molecules to determine the least squares best scaling factor.