National Institute of Standards and Technology
Computational Chemistry Comparison and Benchmark DataBase
Release 22May 2022
NIST Standard Reference Database 101
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IIICalculated data
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VCost comparisons
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XOlder CCCBDB versions
XIII Vibrations
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XVIBibliographic data
XVIIIon data
XVIIIBad calculations
XIXIndex of properties
XXH-bond dimers

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XVII.C.1. (III.D.6.)

Calculated Ionization Energy for CHNCH2 (2H-Azirine)

Experimental Ionization Energy is 10.1 eV
Please note! These calculated ionizataion energies have the vibrational zero-point energy (zpe) included, but the zpe has NOT been scaled. Click on an entry for more details, including the ionization energy with a scaled zpe.
Original data displayed. Press to display differences.
Differences displayed. Press to display original data.

Ionization Energies in eV
Methods with predefined basis sets
composite G2 9.931
G3 9.906
G3B3 9.981
G4 9.966
CBS-Q 9.886

Ionization Energies in eV
Methods with standard basis sets
STO-3G 3-21G 3-21G* 6-31G 6-31G* 6-31G** 6-31+G** 6-311G* 6-311G** 6-31G(2df,p) 6-311+G(3df,2p) TZVP cc-pVDZ cc-pVTZ aug-cc-pVDZ aug-cc-pVTZ daug-cc-pVTZ
hartree fock HF         8.736 8.725 8.786 8.717 8.704 8.649 8.729 8.735 8.709 8.702 8.742 8.717  
density functional BLYP 8.570     9.600 9.535 9.532 9.718 9.641 9.639 9.495 9.718 9.716 9.541 9.671 9.717 9.713  
B1B95 8.865 9.730 9.730 9.865 9.784 9.784 9.888 9.825 9.820 9.737 9.866 9.870 9.776 9.831 9.870 9.857  
B3LYP 8.817     9.863 9.784 9.779 9.926 9.860 9.856 9.737 9.917 9.919 9.780 9.879 9.915 9.911  
B3LYPultrafine         9.784 9.779 9.926 9.860   9.737 9.917 9.919 9.780 9.879 9.915 9.911  
B3PW91 8.915     9.944 9.852 9.848 9.954 9.904 9.899 9.798 9.933 9.941 9.844 9.903 9.932 9.926  
mPW1PW91 8.889     9.928 9.831 9.825 9.933 9.876 9.870 9.773 9.908 9.919 9.823 9.875 9.909 9.902  
M06-2X 8.928 9.862 9.862 10.003 9.916 9.903 10.008 9.977 9.966 9.870 10.004 10.002 9.891 9.991 9.982 10.012  
PBEPBE 8.773 9.672 9.672 9.823 9.738 9.734 9.887 9.816 9.812 9.694 9.875 9.878 9.743 9.834 9.878 9.871  
PBEPBEultrafine   9.672     9.739 9.734 9.887 9.816   9.694 9.875 9.878 9.743 9.834 9.878 9.871  
PBE1PBE 8.842 9.778 9.778 9.914 9.814 9.814 9.918 9.859 9.852 9.759 9.893 9.903 9.807 9.862 9.897 9.888  
HSEh1PBE 8.831     9.901 9.803 9.797 9.909 9.850 9.844 9.747 9.886 9.896 9.794 9.856 9.887 9.881  
TPSSh 8.792     9.815 9.723 9.718 9.829 9.773 9.768 9.664 9.806 9.819 9.713 9.779 9.803 9.808  
wB97X-D 8.851 9.816 9.816 9.914 9.815 9.814 9.917 9.862 9.859 9.761 9.889 9.894 9.807 9.850 9.888 9.872  
B97D3 8.775     9.741 9.676 9.674 9.811 9.739 9.738 9.623 9.792 9.797 9.684 9.751 9.798 9.786 9.786
STO-3G 3-21G 3-21G* 6-31G 6-31G* 6-31G** 6-31+G** 6-311G* 6-311G** 6-31G(2df,p) 6-311+G(3df,2p) TZVP cc-pVDZ cc-pVTZ aug-cc-pVDZ aug-cc-pVTZ daug-cc-pVTZ
Moller Plesset perturbation MP2       9.810 9.759 9.827 9.969 9.821 9.896 9.915 10.103 9.934 9.841 10.072 10.030 10.144  
MP2=FULL       9.812 9.762 9.830 9.972 9.829 9.905 9.921 10.117 9.939 9.846 10.083 10.033 10.148  
MP3         9.651   9.830       9.955 9.788 9.732 9.930      
MP3=FULL       9.704 9.654 9.727 9.833 9.692 9.773 9.814 9.972 9.793 9.737 9.946 9.888    
MP4   6.849     9.683       9.826   10.039 9.865 9.763 10.004 9.956    
MP4=FULL   6.848     9.685       9.834   10.055   9.767   9.958 10.079  
B2PLYP 8.418     9.676 9.669 9.684 9.830 9.740 9.759 9.690 9.875 9.817 9.692 9.836 9.845 9.881  
B2PLYP=FULL 8.419     9.677 9.671 9.686 9.832 9.744 9.762 9.695 9.882 9.819 9.694 9.842 9.846 9.886  
B2PLYP=FULLultrafine 8.419     9.676 9.673 9.686 9.832 9.744 9.763 9.695 9.882 9.819 9.694 9.842 9.846 9.887  
Configuration interaction CID       9.514 9.461     9.479     9.678   9.508 9.654      
CISD       9.405 9.430     9.453     9.656   9.478 9.631      
STO-3G 3-21G 3-21G* 6-31G 6-31G* 6-31G** 6-31+G** 6-311G* 6-311G** 6-31G(2df,p) 6-311+G(3df,2p) TZVP cc-pVDZ cc-pVTZ aug-cc-pVDZ aug-cc-pVTZ daug-cc-pVTZ
Quadratic configuration interaction QCISD       9.369 9.530 9.592 9.708 9.580 9.648 9.689 9.853 9.681 9.599 9.821 9.754    
QCISD(T)         9.553     9.616     9.918 9.725 9.631 9.881 9.810 9.949  
QCISD(T)=FULL         9.559   9.751       9.938   9.637 9.901 9.815 9.964  
Coupled Cluster CCD       9.711 9.656 9.724 9.832 9.689 9.763 9.792 9.942 9.788 9.728 9.916 9.875    
CCSD         9.547 9.611 9.725 9.596 9.666 9.705 9.867 9.697 9.620 9.836 9.773    
CCSD=FULL         9.553         9.718   9.704 9.626 9.857 9.778 9.910  
CCSD(T)         9.565 9.631 9.757 9.628   9.744 9.929 9.738 9.644 9.893 9.824 9.960  
CCSD(T)=FULL         9.571           9.948 9.745 9.650 9.912 9.828 9.974  
STO-3G 3-21G 3-21G* 6-31G 6-31G* 6-31G** 6-31+G** 6-311G* 6-311G** 6-31G(2df,p) 6-311+G(3df,2p) TZVP cc-pVDZ cc-pVTZ aug-cc-pVDZ aug-cc-pVTZ daug-cc-pVTZ

Ionization Energies in eV
Methods with effective core potentials (select basis sets)
CEP-31G CEP-31G* CEP-121G CEP-121G* LANL2DZ SDD cc-pVTZ-PP aug-cc-pVTZ-PP Def2TZVPP
hartree fock HF   8.647   8.687         8.715
density functional BLYP                 9.698
B1B95                 9.852
B3LYP 9.765 9.675 9.820 9.740 9.881 9.875     9.900
B3LYPultrafine                 9.900
B3PW91                 9.918
mPW1PW91                 9.894
M06-2X                 9.989
PBEPBE                 9.857
PBEPBEultrafine                 9.857
PBE1PBE                 9.880
HSEh1PBE                 9.873
TPSSh                 9.796
wB97X-D 9.772 9.679 9.829 9.747 9.907 9.903     9.873
B97D3                 9.776
Moller Plesset perturbation MP2   9.749   9.807         10.098
MP2=FULL                 10.101
MP3                 9.951
MP3=FULL                 9.955
MP4                 10.029
MP4=FULL                 10.033
B2PLYP                 9.859
B2PLYP=FULL                 9.862
B2PLYP=FULLultrafine                 9.862
Configuration interaction CID                 9.672
CISD                 9.649
Quadratic configuration interaction QCISD                 9.842
QCISD(T)                 9.904
QCISD(T)=FULL                 9.912
Coupled Cluster CCD                 9.936
CCSD                 9.856
CCSD=FULL                 9.864
CCSD(T)                 9.916
CCSD(T)=FULL                 9.922
For descriptions of the methods (AM1, HF, MP2, ...) and basis sets (3-21G, 3-21G*, 6-31G, ...) see the glossary in section I.C. Predefined means the basis set used is determined by the method.