National Institute of Standards and Technology
Computational Chemistry Comparison and Benchmark DataBase
Release 22May 2022
NIST Standard Reference Database 101
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IIICalculated data
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VCost comparisons
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XIII Vibrations
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XVIIIon data
XVIIIBad calculations
XIXIndex of properties
XXH-bond dimers

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XVII.C.1. (III.D.6.)

Calculated Ionization Energy for CH3F (Methyl fluoride)

Experimental Ionization Energy is 12.5 ± 0.04 eV
Please note! These calculated ionizataion energies have the vibrational zero-point energy (zpe) included, but the zpe has NOT been scaled. Click on an entry for more details, including the ionization energy with a scaled zpe.
Original data displayed. Press to display differences.
Differences displayed. Press to display original data.

Ionization Energies in eV
Methods with predefined basis sets
semi-empirical AM1  
composite G3 12.395
G3B3 12.459
G4 12.415
CBS-Q 12.374

Ionization Energies in eV
Methods with standard basis sets
STO-3G 3-21G 3-21G* 6-31G 6-31G* 6-31G** 6-31+G** 6-311G* 6-311G** 6-31G(2df,p) 6-311+G(3df,2p) TZVP cc-pVDZ cc-pVTZ cc-pVQZ aug-cc-pVDZ aug-cc-pVTZ aug-cc-pVQZ daug-cc-pVDZ daug-cc-pVTZ
hartree fock HF         11.857 11.762 11.906 11.834 11.735 11.604 11.713 11.802 11.666 11.675 11.694 11.749 11.711 11.703 11.737 11.708
density functional BLYP 9.287 11.516 11.516 11.868 11.657 11.621 12.010 11.850 11.813 11.576 11.972 11.963 11.607 11.870   11.948 11.974   11.945 11.971
B1B95 9.779 11.990 11.990 12.304 12.018 12.018 12.234 12.120 12.066 11.895 12.151 12.168 11.927 12.080   12.143 12.148     12.144
B3LYP   12.014 12.014 12.350 12.093 12.047 12.366 12.235 12.187 11.979 12.298 12.310 12.014 12.217 12.268 12.283 12.299 12.296 12.278 12.296
B3LYPultrafine   12.014     12.093 12.047 12.366 12.235   11.979 12.298 12.310 12.014 12.217   12.283 12.299   12.278 12.296
B3PW91   12.070 12.070 12.371 12.095 12.042 12.310 12.201 12.144 11.964 12.221 12.241 12.003 12.152   12.216 12.218   12.209 12.214
mPW1PW91   12.101 12.101 12.398 12.109 12.051 12.316 12.205 12.144 11.967 12.217 12.242 12.013 12.147   12.221 12.214   12.212 12.211
M06-2X   12.356 12.356 12.608 12.284 12.227 12.469 12.408 12.349 12.152 12.413 12.446 12.165 12.385   12.355 12.441   12.348 12.437
PBEPBE 9.406 11.640 11.640 11.959 11.726 11.681 12.023 11.877 11.829 11.626 11.960 11.961 11.664 11.869   11.954 11.963   11.949 11.959
PBEPBEultrafine   11.640     11.726 11.681 12.023 11.877   11.626 11.960 11.961 11.664 11.869   11.954 11.963   11.949 11.959
PBE1PBE   12.040 12.040 12.341 12.051 12.051 12.258 12.144 12.081 11.909 12.158 12.185 11.953 12.089   12.164 12.158   12.156 12.155
HSEh1PBE   12.036 12.036 12.338 12.050 11.992 12.262 12.147 12.085 11.909 12.163 12.192 11.951 12.095   12.165 12.164   12.158 12.160
TPSSh   11.908 11.908 12.206 11.955 11.910 12.197 12.067 12.018 11.839 12.109 12.128 11.875 12.039 12.085 12.107 12.113 12.113 12.100 12.110
wB97X-D   12.147 12.147 12.451 12.163 12.112 12.370 12.257 12.201 12.025 12.269 12.280 12.066 12.187 12.225 12.268 12.248 12.244 12.258 12.243
B97D3 9.629 11.802 11.802 12.087 11.857 11.815 12.127 11.989 11.946 11.754 12.058 12.062 11.794 11.974 12.022 12.054 12.057 12.054 12.046 12.054
STO-3G 3-21G 3-21G* 6-31G 6-31G* 6-31G** 6-31+G** 6-311G* 6-311G** 6-31G(2df,p) 6-311+G(3df,2p) TZVP cc-pVDZ cc-pVTZ cc-pVQZ aug-cc-pVDZ aug-cc-pVTZ aug-cc-pVQZ daug-cc-pVDZ daug-cc-pVTZ
Moller Plesset perturbation MP2   12.195 12.195 12.790 12.111 12.188 12.465 12.149 12.224 12.156 12.457 12.360 12.099 12.392 12.502 12.409 12.508 12.545 12.402 12.508
MP2=FULL   12.195 12.195 12.790 12.108 12.189 12.466 12.152 12.225 12.161 12.460 12.362 12.102 12.401 12.510 12.410 12.517 12.551 12.402 12.512
MP3         12.210   12.557         12.451 12.220 12.477         15.751 12.573
MP3=FULL   12.304 12.304 12.849 12.208 12.321 12.557 12.257 12.339 12.280   12.454 12.223 12.487   12.496 12.583     12.577
MP4   12.160     12.107       12.227     12.361 12.105 12.392   12.431 12.517   15.793  
MP4=FULL   12.160     12.104       12.229       12.108 12.403   12.432 12.527   16.585  
B2PLYP   11.998 11.998 12.340 12.080 12.065 12.362 12.174 12.154 12.002 12.305 12.283 12.007 12.225   12.283 12.320   12.277 12.318
B2PLYP=FULL   11.998 11.998 12.340 12.079 12.065 12.362 12.175 12.154 12.004 12.306 12.284 12.008 12.229   12.283 12.322   12.277 12.319
B2PLYP=FULLultrafine   11.998 11.998 12.340 12.079 12.065 12.362 12.175 12.154 12.004   12.284 12.008 12.229   12.283 12.322   12.277 12.319
Configuration interaction CID   12.273 12.273 12.734 12.168     12.193                     15.413 12.423
CISD       12.607 12.128     12.155                        
STO-3G 3-21G 3-21G* 6-31G 6-31G* 6-31G** 6-31+G** 6-311G* 6-311G** 6-31G(2df,p) 6-311+G(3df,2p) TZVP cc-pVDZ cc-pVTZ cc-pVQZ aug-cc-pVDZ aug-cc-pVTZ aug-cc-pVQZ daug-cc-pVDZ daug-cc-pVTZ
Quadratic configuration interaction QCISD       12.421 12.127 12.203 12.457 12.167 12.226 12.172   12.351 12.102 12.377   12.398 12.484   15.598  
QCISD(T)         12.114     12.141       12.342 12.091 12.358   12.405 12.478   15.747  
QCISD(T)=FULL         12.112   12.463           12.094 12.369 12.478 12.406 12.488 12.518 16.538  
Coupled Cluster CCD   12.316 12.316 12.859 12.223 12.324 12.565 12.267 12.342 12.277   12.458 12.224 12.476   12.498 12.573   15.701 12.573
CCSD         12.146     12.195   12.196   12.378 12.106 12.401 12.500 12.392 12.504   15.629  
CCSD=FULL         12.145         12.203   12.381 12.112 12.415   12.397 12.517   16.418  
CCSD(T)         12.112 12.205 12.468 12.143 12.219 12.168   12.352 12.099 12.378 12.486 12.413 12.497 12.527 15.754  
CCSD(T)=FULL         12.110             12.354 12.103 12.390   12.415 12.508 12.534 16.546  
STO-3G 3-21G 3-21G* 6-31G 6-31G* 6-31G** 6-31+G** 6-311G* 6-311G** 6-31G(2df,p) 6-311+G(3df,2p) TZVP cc-pVDZ cc-pVTZ cc-pVQZ aug-cc-pVDZ aug-cc-pVTZ aug-cc-pVQZ daug-cc-pVDZ daug-cc-pVTZ

Ionization Energies in eV
Methods with effective core potentials (select basis sets)
CEP-31G CEP-31G* CEP-121G CEP-121G* LANL2DZ SDD cc-pVTZ-PP aug-cc-pVTZ-PP Def2TZVPP
hartree fock HF   11.911   11.907         11.699
density functional BLYP                 11.925
B1B95                 12.119
B3LYP 12.499 12.211 12.546 12.284 12.524 12.518     12.262
B3LYPultrafine                 12.262
B3PW91                 12.188
mPW1PW91                 12.185
M06-2X                 12.392
PBEPBE                 11.919
PBEPBEultrafine                 11.919
PBE1PBE                 12.129
HSEh1PBE                 12.136
TPSSh                 12.080
wB97X-D 12.548 12.241 12.582 12.295 12.593 12.588     12.226
B97D3                 12.020
Moller Plesset perturbation MP2 13.115 12.212 13.069 12.268   13.183     12.439
MP2=FULL                 12.444
B2PLYP                 12.272
B2PLYP=FULL                 12.274
For descriptions of the methods (AM1, HF, MP2, ...) and basis sets (3-21G, 3-21G*, 6-31G, ...) see the glossary in section I.C. Predefined means the basis set used is determined by the method.