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Bad Calculated Bond Lengths

List of molecules with calculated bond lengths that differ by more than 0.050 Å from experimental bond lengths.

Calculated at MP2=FULL/cc-pVQZ

17 02 03 13 22
Species Name Bond type Bond Length (Å)
Experimental Calculated Difference
C3H3NO Isoxazole rCH 1.075 1.405 0.330
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.085 4.191 3.106
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.087 3.391 2.304
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCC 1.476 2.241 0.765
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.087 1.820 0.733
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.098 1.766 0.668
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.098 1.748 0.650
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCC 1.515 1.083 -0.432
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.070 1.500 0.430
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCC 1.300 1.502 0.202
NaH sodium hydride rNaH 1.887 1.767 -0.120
VO Vanadium monoxide rVO 1.589 1.489 -0.101
FO Oxygen monofluoride rFO 1.354 1.499 0.145
GaCl3 Gallium trichloride rClGa 2.180 2.079 -0.102
Be2 Beryllium diatomic rBeBe 2.460 2.623 0.163
S4 Sulfur tetramer rSS 2.155 2.575 0.420
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.400 2.157 -0.243
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.220 2.022 -0.198
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.260 2.157 -0.103
Na2 Sodium diatomic rNaNa 3.079 2.965 -0.114
Mg2 Magnesium diatomic rMgMg 3.891 4.169 0.279
21 molecules.