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All results from a given calculation for CH2FCH2CH3 (1-Fluoropropane)

using model chemistry: MP2/6-31G*

19 10 17 12 22

States and conformations

State Conformation minimum conformation conformer description state description
1 1 no CS trans 1A'
1 2 yes C1 gauche 1A

Conformer 1 (CS trans)

Jump to S1C2
Energy calculated at MP2/6-31G*
Energy at 0K-217.674172
Energy at 298.15K-217.682081
HF Energy-217.111149
Nuclear repulsion energy127.927645
The energy at 298.15K was derived from the energy at 0K and an integrated heat capacity that used the calculated vibrational frequencies.
Vibrational Frequencies calculated at MP2/6-31G*
Mode Number Symmetry Frequency
Scaled Frequency
IR Intensities
(km mol-1)
Raman Act
Dep P Dep U
1 A' 3203 3021 21.20      
2 A' 3123 2945 29.50      
3 A' 3108 2931 26.32      
4 A' 3104 2927 16.81      
5 A' 1592 1501 1.15      
6 A' 1573 1483 6.11      
7 A' 1560 1471 0.70      
8 A' 1486 1402 19.08      
9 A' 1475 1391 3.71      
10 A' 1374 1296 1.45      
11 A' 1179 1112 1.31      
12 A' 1110 1047 64.35      
13 A' 1081 1020 26.36      
14 A' 933 880 9.10      
15 A' 459 433 6.25      
16 A' 274 258 3.56      
17 A" 3196 3014 58.96      
18 A" 3177 2996 11.56      
19 A" 3157 2977 12.83      
20 A" 1567 1478 7.97      
21 A" 1358 1281 0.31      
22 A" 1310 1235 0.09      
23 A" 1236 1166 1.49      
24 A" 926 873 1.99      
25 A" 789 744 1.71      
26 A" 243 229 0.00      
27 A" 140 132 3.09      

Unscaled Zero Point Vibrational Energy (zpe) 21866.8 cm-1
Scaled (by 0.943) Zero Point Vibrational Energy (zpe) 20620.4 cm-1
See section III.C.1 List or set vibrational scaling factors to change the scale factors used here.
See section III.C.2 Calculate a vibrational scaling factor for a given set of molecules to determine the least squares best scaling factor.
Rotational Constants (cm-1) from geometry optimized at MP2/6-31G*
0.90732 0.12486 0.11697

See section I.F.4 to change rotational constant units
Geometric Data calculated at MP2/6-31G*

Point Group is Cs

Cartesians (Å)
Atom x (Å) y (Å) z (Å)
C1 0.116 -0.785 0.000
C2 0.000 0.723 0.000
C3 -1.457 1.180 0.000
F4 1.466 -1.153 0.000
H5 -0.352 -1.220 0.890
H6 -0.352 -1.220 -0.890
H7 0.524 1.109 -0.880
H8 0.524 1.109 0.880
H9 -1.524 2.270 0.000
H10 -1.986 0.813 -0.885
H11 -1.986 0.813 0.885

Atom - Atom Distances (Å)
  C1 C2 C3 F4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11

picture of 1-Fluoropropane state 1 conformation 1
More geometry information
Calculated Bond Angles
atom1 atom2 atom3 angle atom1 atom2 atom3 angle
C1 C2 C3 111.796 C1 C2 H7 108.363
C1 C2 H8 108.363 C2 C1 F4 109.597
C2 C1 H5 111.302 C2 C1 H6 111.302
C2 C3 H9 110.932 C2 C3 H10 111.176
C2 C3 H11 111.176 C3 C2 H7 110.564
C3 C2 H8 110.564 F4 C1 H5 107.922
F4 C1 H6 107.922 H5 C1 H6 108.676
H7 C2 H8 107.033 H9 C3 H10 107.755
H9 C3 H11 107.755 H10 C3 H11 107.891
Electronic energy levels
Charges, Dipole, Quadrupole and Polarizability

Conformer 2 (C1 gauche)

Jump to S1C1
Energy calculated at MP2/6-31G*
Energy at 0K-217.675106
Energy at 298.15K 
HF Energy-217.111557
Nuclear repulsion energy130.581465
The energy at 298.15K was derived from the energy at 0K and an integrated heat capacity that used the calculated vibrational frequencies.
Vibrational Frequencies calculated at MP2/6-31G*
Mode Number Symmetry Frequency
Scaled Frequency
IR Intensities
(km mol-1)
Raman Act
Dep P Dep U
1 A 3218 3035 16.76      
2 A 3197 3015 34.09      
3 A 3173 2992 46.43      
4 A 3159 2979 13.02      
5 A 3112 2935 13.13      
6 A 3111 2934 38.73      
7 A 3105 2928 19.43      
8 A 1586 1496 0.48      
9 A 1574 1485 8.19      
10 A 1562 1473 6.92      
11 A 1544 1456 2.20      
12 A 1482 1397 11.39      
13 A 1467 1384 10.25      
14 A 1428 1347 0.86      
15 A 1344 1268 0.78      
16 A 1307 1233 0.66      
17 A 1222 1152 1.81      
18 A 1163 1097 9.36      
19 A 1131 1067 38.68      
20 A 1016 959 40.59      
21 A 954 899 3.50      
22 A 913 861 4.05      
23 A 797 752 0.51      
24 A 494 466 3.52      
25 A 328 309 1.35      
26 A 241 227 2.28      
27 A 152 143 2.41      

Unscaled Zero Point Vibrational Energy (zpe) 21890.1 cm-1
Scaled (by 0.943) Zero Point Vibrational Energy (zpe) 20642.4 cm-1
See section III.C.1 List or set vibrational scaling factors to change the scale factors used here.
See section III.C.2 Calculate a vibrational scaling factor for a given set of molecules to determine the least squares best scaling factor.
Rotational Constants (cm-1) from geometry optimized at MP2/6-31G*
0.47491 0.17425 0.14533

See section I.F.4 to change rotational constant units
Geometric Data calculated at MP2/6-31G*

Point Group is C1

Cartesians (Å)
Atom x (Å) y (Å) z (Å)
C1 0.797 0.525 0.293
C2 -0.595 0.666 -0.281
C3 -1.505 -0.490 0.120
F4 1.370 -0.669 -0.170
H5 1.450 1.348 -0.015
H6 0.774 0.478 1.387
H7 -0.516 0.723 -1.372
H8 -1.011 1.622 0.060
H9 -2.500 -0.381 -0.320
H10 -1.081 -1.438 -0.216
H11 -1.621 -0.536 1.208

Atom - Atom Distances (Å)
  C1 C2 C3 F4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11

picture of 1-Fluoropropane state 1 conformation 2
More geometry information
Calculated Bond Angles
atom1 atom2 atom3 angle atom1 atom2 atom3 angle
C1 C2 C3 112.241 C1 C2 H7 108.418
C1 C2 H8 108.205 C2 C1 F4 109.280
C2 C1 H5 111.860 C2 C1 H6 111.332
C2 C3 H9 111.180 C2 C3 H10 110.203
C2 C3 H11 110.874 C3 C2 H7 110.192
C3 C2 H8 110.639 F4 C1 H5 107.666
F4 C1 H6 107.558 H5 C1 H6 108.985
H7 C2 H8 106.968 H9 C3 H10 108.406
H9 C3 H11 107.986 H10 C3 H11 108.088
Electronic energy levels
Charges, Dipole, Quadrupole and Polarizability