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Geometry for C5H4N4 (purine) 1A CS

InChI=1S/C5H4N4/c1-4-5(8-2-6-1)9-3-7-4/h1-3H,(H,6,7,8,9) INChIKey=KDCGOANMDULRCW-UHFFFAOYSA-N


Point group is Cs
Atom Internal Principal
x (Å) y (Å) z (Å)   a (Å) b (Å) c (Å)
N1 -1.8123 -1.2642 0.0000   2.0884 0.7219 0.0000
C2 -2.1055 0.0623 0.0000   2.0087 -0.6342 0.0000
N3 -1.2749 1.1035 0.0000   0.9256 -1.4093 0.0000
C4 0.0000 0.7055 0.0000   -0.1924 -0.6787 0.0000
C5 0.4549 -0.6250 0.0000   -0.2672 0.7253 0.0000
C6 -0.5303 -1.6149 0.0000   0.9506 1.4090 0.0000
N7 1.8343 -0.6922 0.0000   -1.5759 1.1662 0.0000
C8 2.1784 0.5795 0.0000   -2.2539 0.0366 0.0000
N9 1.1255 1.4720 0.0000   -1.4843 -1.1092 0.0000
H10 -3.1640 0.2973 0.0000   2.9629 -1.1490 0.0000
H11 -0.2987 -2.6772 0.0000   1.0176 2.4942 0.0000
H12 3.2047 0.9178 0.0000   -3.3335 -0.0089 0.0000
H13 1.1649 2.4843 0.0000   -1.7983 -2.0724 0.0000
Atom - Atom Distances (Å)
  N1 C2 N3 C4 C5 C6 N7 C8 N9 H10 H11 H12 H13
N1 1.3585 2.4279 2.6766 2.3556 1.3291 3.6912 4.3960 4.0146 2.0652 2.0707 5.4710 4.7869
C2 1.3585 1.3319 2.2016 2.6510 2.3009 4.0114 4.3150 3.5251 1.0842 3.2817 5.3787 4.0696
N3 2.4279 1.3319 1.3355 2.4453 2.8185 3.5904 3.4928 2.4285 2.0539 3.9046 4.4834 2.8034
C4 2.6766 2.2016 1.3355 1.4061 2.3802 2.3061 2.1820 1.3617 3.1902 3.3958 3.2117 2.1263
C5 2.3556 2.6510 2.4453 1.4061 1.3966 1.3810 2.1027 2.2015 3.7345 2.1862 3.1530 3.1893
C6 1.3291 2.3009 2.8185 2.3802 1.3966 2.5382 3.4860 3.5029 3.2547 1.0872 4.5127 4.4359
N7 3.6912 4.0114 3.5904 2.3061 1.3810 2.5382 1.3174 2.2772 5.0952 2.9137 2.1143 3.2462
C8 4.3960 4.3150 3.4928 2.1820 2.1027 3.4860 1.3174 1.3803 5.3498 4.0917 1.0806 2.1576
N9 4.0146 3.5251 2.4285 1.3617 2.2015 3.5029 2.2772 1.3803 4.4474 4.3867 2.1518 1.0131
H10 2.0652 1.0842 2.0539 3.1902 3.7345 3.2547 5.0952 5.3498 4.4474 4.1301 6.3988 4.8499
H11 2.0707 3.2817 3.9046 3.3958 2.1862 1.0872 2.9137 4.0917 4.3867 4.1301 5.0197 5.3649
H12 5.4710 5.3787 4.4834 3.2117 3.1530 4.5127 2.1143 1.0806 2.1518 6.3988 5.0197 2.5719
H13 4.7869 4.0696 2.8034 2.1263 3.1893 4.4359 3.2462 2.1576 1.0131 4.8499 5.3649 2.5719
Maximum atom distance is 6.3988Å between atoms H10 and H12.
picture of purine
Calculated Bond Angles (degrees) (Ignoring Hydrogens)
atom1 atom2 atom3 angle         atom1 atom2 atom3 angle
N1 C2 N3 128.954 N1 C6 C5 119.564
C2 N1 C6 117.762 C2 N3 C4 111.246
N3 C4 C5 126.213 N3 C4 N9 128.408
C4 C5 C6 116.261 C4 C5 N7 111.666
C4 N9 C8 105.460 C5 C4 N9 105.379
C5 N7 C8 102.353 C6 C5 N7 132.073
N7 C8 N9 115.143
Calculated Bond Angles (degrees) (Involving Hydrogens)
atom1 atom2 atom3 angle         atom1 atom2 atom3 angle
N1 C2 H10 114.982 N1 C6 H11 117.598
N3 C2 H10 116.063 C4 N9 H13 126.484
C5 C6 H11 122.838 N7 C8 H12 123.388
C8 N9 H13 128.056 N9 C8 H12 121.469

For information on specific bond angles or dihedrals see the geometry comparison page in section Comparisons > Geometry > Bonds, angles.