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Bad Calculated Bond Lengths

List of molecules with calculated bond lengths that differ by more than 0.050 Å from experimental bond lengths.

Calculated at LSDA/STO-3G

Species Name Bond type Bond Length (Å)
Experimental Calculated Difference
Mg2 Magnesium diatomic rMgMg 3.891 2.643 -1.247
Mg2 Magnesium diatomic rMgMg 3.891 2.643 -1.247
NaK Sodium Potassium rNaK 3.589 2.799 -0.790
CH3SO2NH2 methanesulfonamide rCN 1.207 1.988 0.781
HSSSH trisulfane rHS 1.344 2.096 0.753
HSSSH trisulfane rHS 1.344 2.096 0.753
HSSSH trisulfane rHS 1.344 2.096 0.752
HSSSH trisulfane rHS 1.344 2.096 0.752
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCH 1.095 1.814 0.719
Na2 Sodium diatomic rNaNa 3.079 2.374 -0.705
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.450 1.749 -0.701
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.450 1.749 -0.701
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.450 1.749 -0.701
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.450 1.749 -0.701
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.450 1.846 -0.604
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.450 1.846 -0.604
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.450 1.846 -0.604
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.450 1.846 -0.604
ZnCN Zinc monocyanide rCZn 1.950 1.403 -0.546
GaAs Gallium arsenide rGaAs 2.530 2.014 -0.516
GaAs Gallium arsenide rGaAs 2.530 2.019 -0.511
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.250 1.749 -0.501
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.250 1.749 -0.501
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.250 1.749 -0.501
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.250 1.749 -0.501
K2 Potassium diatomic rKK 3.905 3.405 -0.500
C2H4F2 1,2-difluoroethane rCH 1.093 1.589 0.496
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.240 1.749 -0.491
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.240 1.749 -0.491
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.240 1.749 -0.491
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.240 1.749 -0.491
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.400 1.918 -0.482
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.400 1.918 -0.482
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.400 1.918 -0.482
NaLi lithium sodium rLiNa 2.889 2.425 -0.464
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCH 1.089 1.539 0.450
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCH 1.092 1.539 0.447
HClO4 perchloric acid rOCl 1.641 2.074 0.433
C4H10O Methyl propyl ether rCC 1.530 1.101 -0.429
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.250 1.846 -0.404
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.250 1.846 -0.404
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.250 1.846 -0.404
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.250 1.846 -0.404
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.240 1.846 -0.394
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.240 1.846 -0.394
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.240 1.846 -0.394
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.240 1.846 -0.394
GaO Gallium monoxide rOGa 1.743 1.376 -0.367
ClFO3 Perchloryl fluoride rClO 1.400 1.762 0.362
HClO4 perchloric acid rOCl 1.404 1.766 0.362
ClFO3 Perchloryl fluoride rFCl 1.598 1.960 0.362
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.110 1.749 -0.361
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.110 1.749 -0.361
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.110 1.749 -0.361
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.110 1.749 -0.361
GaF Gallium monofluoride rFGa 1.774 1.417 -0.357
C4H10O Methyl propyl ether rCH 1.099 1.451 0.352
ClOF3 Chlorine trifluoride oxide rOCl 1.405 1.751 0.346
HClO4 perchloric acid rOCl 1.414 1.759 0.345
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.260 1.918 -0.342
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.260 1.918 -0.342
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.260 1.918 -0.342
ClOF3 Chlorine trifluoride oxide rFCl 1.603 1.936 0.333
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.400 2.067 -0.333
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.400 2.067 -0.333
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.400 2.067 -0.333
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.400 2.067 -0.333
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.400 2.067 -0.333
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.400 2.067 -0.333
Be2 Beryllium diatomic rBeBe 2.460 2.129 -0.331
Al2 Aluminum diatomic rAlAl 2.701 2.382 -0.319
GaH Gallium monohydride rGaH 1.663 1.349 -0.314
NH3BF3 Amminetrifluoroboron rBN 1.673 1.982 0.309
OClO Chlorine dioxide rClO 1.470 1.779 0.309
ClF3 Chlorine trifluoride rFCl 1.597 1.903 0.306
ClF3 Chlorine trifluoride rFCl 1.597 1.903 0.306
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.220 1.918 -0.302
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.220 1.918 -0.302
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.220 1.918 -0.302
CaO Calcium monoxide rOCa 1.822 2.110 0.288
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCC 1.528 1.814 0.286
Na2Cl2 Disodium dichloride rNaCl 2.584 2.302 -0.282
CH3CH2SH ethanethiol rCS 1.820 1.539 -0.281
ClF3 Chlorine trifluoride rFCl 1.597 1.877 0.281
ClF3 Chlorine trifluoride rFCl 1.597 1.877 0.281
SF5Cl sulfur chloropentafluoride rSCl 2.030 2.309 0.278
NaS Sodium sulfide rNaS 2.489 2.212 -0.277
H2SO4 Sulfuric acid rSO 1.574 1.847 0.273
ClF5 chlorinepentafluoride rFCl 1.650 1.921 0.271
B2 Boron diatomic rBB 1.590 1.319 -0.271
Ar2 Argon diatomic rArAr 3.758 3.492 -0.266
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.110 1.846 -0.264
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.110 1.846 -0.264
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.110 1.846 -0.264
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.110 1.846 -0.264
BrF5 bromine pentafluoride rFBr 1.689 1.931 0.242
LiO lithium oxide rLiO 1.688 1.447 -0.241
LiO lithium oxide rLiO 1.688 1.447 -0.241
SO2F2 Sulfuryl fluoride rFS 1.530 1.764 0.234
CuF Copper monofluoride rCuF 1.745 1.513 -0.232
NaH sodium hydride rNaH 1.887 1.661 -0.225
NaH sodium hydride rNaH 1.887 1.661 -0.225
SO2Cl2 Sulfuryl chloride rSCl 2.076 2.295 0.219
NaBr Sodium Bromide rNaBr 2.502 2.284 -0.218
C2H6O2S Dimethyl sulfone rCS 1.777 1.994 0.217
SOF4 Sulfur tetrafluoride oxide rFS 1.539 1.756 0.217
SO3 Sulfur trioxide rSO 1.418 1.626 0.208
CaF Calcium monofluoride rFCa 1.967 2.173 0.206
ClF3 Chlorine trifluoride rFCl 1.697 1.903 0.206
ClF3 Chlorine trifluoride rFCl 1.697 1.903 0.206
BrF3 Bromine trifluoride rFBr 1.721 1.920 0.199
SF4 Sulfur tetrafluoride rSF 1.545 1.743 0.198
C2H6N2O2 Dimethylnitroamine rNN 1.382 1.580 0.198
LiK Lithium Potassium rLiK 3.270 3.072 -0.198
GeO Germanium monoxide rOGe 1.625 1.428 -0.197
ClOOCl Dichlorine dioxide rOCl 1.704 1.901 0.196
Al2Cl6 Aluminum, di-μ-chlorotetrachlorodi- rAlCl 2.040 2.235 0.195
SO2F2 Sulfuryl fluoride rOS 1.405 1.599 0.194
SOF4 Sulfur tetrafluoride oxide rSO 1.409 1.603 0.194
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.260 2.067 -0.193
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.260 2.067 -0.193
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.260 2.067 -0.193
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.260 2.067 -0.193
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.260 2.067 -0.193
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.260 2.067 -0.193
CuH Copper monohydride rCuH 1.463 1.272 -0.190
CuH Copper monohydride rCuH 1.463 1.272 -0.190
KrF2 Krypton difluoride rFKr 1.875 2.065 0.190
Cl2+ chlorine diatomic cation rClCl 1.892 2.081 0.189
Cl2+ chlorine diatomic cation rClCl 1.892 2.081 0.189
He2+ helium diatomic cation rHeHe 1.081 1.270 0.189
He2+ helium diatomic cation rHeHe 1.081 1.270 0.189
CFCl chlorofluoromethylene rCCl 1.714 1.903 0.189
Al2Cl6 Aluminum, di-μ-chlorotetrachlorodi- rAlCl 2.240 2.053 -0.187
SO2 Sulfur dioxide rSO 1.432 1.618 0.186
ScO Scandium monoxide rOSc 1.668 1.854 0.186
GeH germylidene rGeH 1.588 1.403 -0.185
ClOF3 Chlorine trifluoride oxide rFCl 1.713 1.897 0.184
FSSF Difluorodisulfane rSS 1.890 2.073 0.183
H2SO4 Sulfuric acid rSO 1.422 1.603 0.181
AlN Aluminum nitride rNAl 1.786 1.606 -0.180
NaO sodium monoxide rONa 2.052 1.873 -0.178
NaO sodium monoxide rONa 2.052 1.873 -0.178
LiCl- lithium chloride anion rLiCl 2.180 2.002 -0.178
NaF sodium fluoride rNaF 1.926 1.750 -0.176
NaF sodium fluoride rNaF 1.926 1.750 -0.176
NaCl Sodium Chloride rNaCl 2.361 2.185 -0.176
NaCl Sodium Chloride rNaCl 2.361 2.185 -0.176
F2SO Thionyl Fluoride rOS 1.413 1.587 0.175
C2H6O2S Dimethyl sulfone rSO 1.431 1.605 0.174
SOCl2 thionyl chloride rSCl 2.076 2.250 0.174
SiP Silicon monophosphide rSiP 2.078 1.905 -0.173
GaCl3 Gallium trichloride rClGa 2.180 2.008 -0.173
Ne2 Neon diatomic rNeNe 3.100 2.927 -0.173
GeS Germanium monosulfide rSGe 2.012 1.840 -0.172
SF6 Sulfur Hexafluoride rSF 1.561 1.731 0.170
NCl nitrogen monochloride rNCl 1.611 1.780 0.170
NCl nitrogen monochloride rNCl 1.611 1.780 0.170
F2SO Thionyl Fluoride rFS 1.585 1.755 0.170
Cl3PO Phosphoryl chloride rPCl 1.989 2.156 0.167
MgS magnesium sulfide rMgS 2.143 1.977 -0.165
SSO Disulfur monoxide rSO 1.456 1.620 0.164
ClF3 Chlorine trifluoride rFCl 1.697 1.856 0.159
ClF3 Chlorine trifluoride rFCl 1.697 1.856 0.159
Be2 Beryllium diatomic rBeBe 2.460 2.302 -0.158
NCl nitrogen monochloride rNCl 1.611 1.766 0.155
SO2Cl2 Sulfuryl chloride rSO 1.443 1.597 0.154
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.220 2.067 -0.153
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.220 2.067 -0.153
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.220 2.067 -0.153
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.220 2.067 -0.153
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.220 2.067 -0.153
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.220 2.067 -0.153
SOF4 Sulfur tetrafluoride oxide rFS 1.596 1.749 0.153
HeH+ Helium hydride cation rHHe 0.790 0.942 0.152
HeH+ Helium hydride cation rHHe 0.790 0.942 0.152
CCl carbon monochloride rCCl 1.649 1.800 0.151
ClO Monochlorine monoxide rClO 1.596 1.746 0.150
N2F2 (Z)-Difluorodiazene rNN 1.214 1.362 0.148
KH Potassium hydride rKH 2.243 2.094 -0.148
KH Potassium hydride rKH 2.243 2.094 -0.148
SF5Cl sulfur chloropentafluoride rFS 1.576 1.723 0.147
ClS2 Sulfur chloride rSCl 2.071 2.217 0.146
CHFClBr fluorochlorobromomethane rCCl 1.745 1.889 0.144
F3PO Phosphoryl fluoride rFP 1.524 1.667 0.143
ClNO2 Nitryl chloride rNCl 1.840 1.983 0.143
PF5 Phosphorus pentafluoride rPF 1.534 1.677 0.143
NO+ nitric oxide cation rNO 1.066 1.208 0.142
NO+ nitric oxide cation rNO 1.066 1.208 0.142
Ar2+ Argon diatomic cation rArAr 2.320 2.461 0.141
O2+ diatomic oxygen cation rOO 1.116 1.258 0.141
O2+ diatomic oxygen cation rOO 1.116 1.258 0.141
BrF5 bromine pentafluoride rFBr 1.774 1.915 0.141
CH3NO3 Methyl nitrate rNO 1.402 1.542 0.140
GeH3CH3 methyl germane rGeH 1.529 1.389 -0.140
OH- hydroxide anion rOH 0.964 1.104 0.140
OH- hydroxide anion rOH 0.964 1.104 0.140
CO Carbon monoxide rCO 1.128 1.267 0.139
LiS Lithium monosulfide rLiS 2.150 2.014 -0.135
SO+ sulfur monoxide cation rOS 1.424 1.558 0.134
SO+ sulfur monoxide cation rOS 1.424 1.558 0.134
FNO Nitrosyl fluoride rNO 1.136 1.270 0.134
PCl5 Phosphorus pentachloride rPCl 2.020 2.154 0.134
CH3OCl methyl hypochlorite rOCl 1.674 1.807 0.133
PO2 Phosphorus dioxide rPO 1.467 1.599 0.132
GeF+ Germanium monofluoride cation rFGe 1.665 1.533 -0.132
C2H5NO3 Nitric acid, ethyl ester rNO 1.407 1.539 0.132
S2N2 Disulfur dinitride rNS 1.642 1.774 0.132
LiOH lithium hydroxide rLiO 1.582 1.451 -0.131
LiOH lithium hydroxide rLiO 1.582 1.451 -0.131
CCl2 dichloromethylene rCCl 1.711 1.842 0.131
CaS Calcium sulfide rSCa 2.318 2.447 0.129
LiBr Lithium Bromide rLiBr 2.170 2.041 -0.129
GaF3 Gallium trifluoride rFGa 1.725 1.596 -0.129
SiC silicon monocarbide rCSi 1.722 1.594 -0.128
SiC silicon monocarbide rCSi 1.722 1.594 -0.128
SOCl2 thionyl chloride rSO 1.443 1.571 0.128
F3NO Nitrogen trifluoride oxide rNO 1.158 1.285 0.127
FSN Thiazyl fluoride rNS 1.448 1.575 0.127
SO Sulfur monoxide rSO 1.481 1.608 0.127
SO Sulfur monoxide rSO 1.481 1.608 0.127
CaCl calcium monochloride rClCa 2.437 2.563 0.126
Ne2+ Neon diatomic cation rNeNe 1.765 1.639 -0.126
ZnCN Zinc monocyanide rCN 1.142 1.267 0.126
SeO2 Selenium dioxide rSeO 1.607 1.732 0.125
GeH3CH3 methyl germane rCGe 1.945 1.822 -0.123
HCCl Chloromethylene rCCl 1.696 1.819 0.123
As2 Arsenic diatomic rAsAs 2.103 1.980 -0.123
LiF lithium fluoride rLiF 1.564 1.441 -0.123
SO Sulfur monoxide rSO 1.481 1.603 0.122
SO Sulfur monoxide rSO 1.481 1.603 0.122
LiF lithium fluoride rLiF 1.564 1.442 -0.122
SO Sulfur monoxide rSO 1.481 1.603 0.122
SO Sulfur monoxide rSO 1.481 1.603 0.122
HCl+ hydrogen chloride cation rHCl 1.315 1.436 0.122
HCl+ hydrogen chloride cation rHCl 1.315 1.436 0.122
FSN Thiazyl fluoride rFS 1.643 1.764 0.121
NCl3 nitrogen trichloride rNCl 1.754 1.874 0.121
NCl3 nitrogen trichloride rNCl 1.754 1.874 0.121
FOO Dioxygen monofluoride radical rFO 1.649 1.769 0.120
Al2 Aluminum diatomic rAlAl 2.701 2.582 -0.119
Cl2 Chlorine diatomic rClCl 1.988 2.105 0.117
Cl2 Chlorine diatomic rClCl 1.988 2.105 0.117
FNO2 Nitryl fluoride rNO 1.180 1.297 0.117
SSO Disulfur monoxide rSS 1.884 2.001 0.117
BrO Bromine monoxide rOBr 1.718 1.835 0.117
NH+ imidogen cation rNH 1.070 1.186 0.116
CH2FCl fluorochloromethane rCCl 1.762 1.878 0.116
C2H2ClF 1-chloro-1-fluoroethylene rCCl 1.704 1.818 0.114
FNO3 Fluorine nitrate rNO 1.507 1.621 0.114
ClSSCl Disulfur dichloride rSCl 2.057 2.170 0.113
F3PO Phosphoryl fluoride rPO 1.436 1.546 0.110
FNO3 Fluorine nitrate rNO 1.184 1.293 0.109
BrNO Nitrosyl bromide rNO 1.146 1.255 0.109
NO3 Nitrogen trioxide rNO 1.238 1.347 0.109
PF3 Phosphorus trifluoride rFP 1.561 1.670 0.109
CH3NO nitrosomethane rCN 1.482 1.590 0.108
HNO3 Nitric acid rNO 1.406 1.514 0.108
ClNO Nitrosyl chloride rNO 1.139 1.247 0.108
ClF Chlorine monofluoride rFCl 1.628 1.736 0.108
SO Sulfur monoxide rOS 1.500 1.608 0.108
SO Sulfur monoxide rOS 1.500 1.608 0.108
NO2 Nitrogen dioxide rNO 1.193 1.301 0.108
NO2 Nitrogen dioxide rNO 1.193 1.301 0.107
BrF3 Bromine trifluoride rFBr 1.810 1.917 0.107
HN3 hydrogen azide rNH 0.975 1.082 0.107
Cl2O Dichlorine monoxide rClO 1.696 1.802 0.106
CH3ONO Methyl nitrite rNO 1.398 1.504 0.106
N2O3 Dinitrogen trioxide rNO 1.142 1.248 0.106
N2O4 Dinitrogen tetroxide rNN 1.782 1.887 0.105
MgO magnesium oxide rMgO 1.749 1.645 -0.104
MgH+ magnesium monohydride cation rMgH 1.652 1.548 -0.104
AsF5 Arsenic pentafluoride rAsF 1.656 1.759 0.103
SO Sulfur monoxide rOS 1.500 1.603 0.103
SO Sulfur monoxide rOS 1.500 1.603 0.103
SO Sulfur monoxide rOS 1.500 1.603 0.103
SO Sulfur monoxide rOS 1.500 1.603 0.103
SF2 sulfur difluoride rSF 1.587 1.690 0.102
PO- phosphorus monoxide anion rOP 1.540 1.642 0.102
N2O Nitrous oxide rNN 1.128 1.229 0.101
FOO Dioxygen monofluoride radical rOO 1.200 1.301 0.101
N2O Nitrous oxide rNN 1.128 1.229 0.101
B2 Boron diatomic rBB 1.590 1.489 -0.101
B2 Boron diatomic rBB 1.590 1.489 -0.101
NBr nitrogen monobromide rNBr 1.765 1.865 0.100
SCl sulfur monochloride rSCl 1.975 2.076 0.100
SCl sulfur monochloride rSCl 1.975 2.076 0.100
SCl sulfur monochloride rSCl 1.975 2.076 0.100
HNO2 Nitrous acid rNO 1.169 1.269 0.100
N2O4 Dinitrogen tetroxide rNO 1.190 1.290 0.100
NS+ nitrogen sulfide cation rNS 1.440 1.540 0.100
HOCl hypochlorous acid rClO 1.697 1.797 0.099
CH3CH(CH3)ONO Isopropyl nitrite rNO 1.170 1.269 0.099
MgCl2 Magnesium dichloride rMgCl 2.180 2.081 -0.099
MgOH magnesium hydroxide rOH 0.940 1.038 0.098
SF4 Sulfur tetrafluoride rSF 1.646 1.743 0.097
CO+ carbon monoxide cation rCO 1.115 1.212 0.097
CO+ carbon monoxide cation rCO 1.115 1.212 0.097
CO+ carbon monoxide cation rCO 1.115 1.212 0.097
SCl2 Sulfur dichloride rSCl 2.013 2.110 0.097
SCl2 Sulfur dichloride rSCl 2.013 2.110 0.097
GeCl Germanium monochloride rClGe 2.164 2.067 -0.097
OH+ hydoxyl cation rOH 1.029 1.125 0.097
OH+ hydoxyl cation rOH 1.029 1.125 0.097
HO2 Hydroperoxy radical rOH 0.971 1.067 0.096
PF+ phosphorus monofluoride cation rFP 1.500 1.597 0.096
HO2 Hydroperoxy radical rOH 0.971 1.067 0.096
PF5 Phosphorus pentafluoride rFP 1.577 1.673 0.096
C2H4F2 1,2-difluoroethane rCC 1.493 1.589 0.096
C2H4F2 1,2-difluoroethane rCC 1.493 1.589 0.096
CF3Br Bromotrifluoromethane rCBr 1.923 2.019 0.096
MgH magnesium monohydride rMgH 1.730 1.634 -0.096
HNO3 Nitric acid rNO 1.211 1.307 0.096
H2O2 Hydrogen peroxide rOH 0.950 1.045 0.095
H2O2 Hydrogen peroxide rOH 0.950 1.045 0.095
N2O3 Dinitrogen trioxide rNO 1.202 1.297 0.095
HNO3 Nitric acid rNO 1.199 1.294 0.095
CH3NO3 Methyl nitrate rNO 1.205 1.299 0.094
LiCl lithium chloride rLiCl 2.021 1.927 -0.094
LiCl lithium chloride rLiCl 2.021 1.927 -0.094
C2 Carbon diatomic rCC 1.243 1.336 0.094
C2 Carbon diatomic rCC 1.243 1.336 0.094
BrNO Nitrosyl bromide rNBr 2.140 2.046 -0.094
HN3 hydrogen azide rNN 1.133 1.226 0.093
CH3CH(CH3)ONO Isopropyl nitrite rON 1.414 1.506 0.092
ArH+ Argon hydride cation rArH 1.292 1.384 0.092
ArH+ Argon hydride cation rArH 1.292 1.384 0.092
CH3ONO Methyl nitrite rNO 1.182 1.274 0.092
PCl3 Phosphorus trichloride rPCl 2.043 2.135 0.092
NO Nitric oxide rNO 1.154 1.246 0.092
NO Nitric oxide rNO 1.154 1.246 0.092
HOF Hypofluorous acid rOH 0.960 1.051 0.091
N2 Nitrogen diatomic rNN 1.098 1.189 0.091
N2 Nitrogen diatomic rNN 1.098 1.189 0.091
TiCl Titanium Monochloride rClTi 2.265 2.173 -0.091
N2 Nitrogen diatomic rNN 1.098 1.189 0.091
N2 Nitrogen diatomic rNN 1.098 1.189 0.091
ScH Scandium monohydride rScH 1.775 1.867 0.091
NS Mononitrogen monosulfide rNS 1.497 1.588 0.091
NS Mononitrogen monosulfide rNS 1.497 1.588 0.091
ClOOCl Dichlorine dioxide rOO 1.426 1.335 -0.091
H2O2 Hydrogen peroxide rOH 0.950 1.040 0.090
SeO Selenium monoxide rSeO 1.639 1.729 0.090
Si2H6 disilane rSiSi 2.320 2.230 -0.090
SiF3 Silicon trifluoride radical rFSi 1.565 1.655 0.090
S2+ sulfur diatomic cation rSS 1.825 1.915 0.090
NaOH sodium hydroxide rNaO 1.950 1.861 -0.089
GeF2 Germanium difluoride rGeCl 1.732 1.643 -0.089
C2Cl2 dichloroacetylene rCCl 1.612 1.701 0.089
MgF2 Magnesium fluoride rFMg 1.770 1.681 -0.089
N3 azide radical rNN 1.181 1.270 0.089
N3 azide radical rNN 1.181 1.270 0.089
C2H4F2 1,2-difluoroethane rCC 1.501 1.589 0.088
C2H4F2 1,2-difluoroethane rCC 1.501 1.589 0.088
C5H6 Propellane rCC 1.596 1.683 0.087
CH3CF3 Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro- rCC 1.494 1.581 0.087
CH3NO3 Methyl nitrate rNO 1.208 1.295 0.087
NH Imidogen rNH 1.034 1.121 0.087
O2 Oxygen diatomic rOO 1.208 1.294 0.086
HOCO+ Hydrocarboxyl cation rCO 1.209 1.294 0.086
H2COO Dioxymethyl radical rCO 1.272 1.358 0.086
H2O3 Hydrogen trioxide rOH 0.963 1.048 0.085
SeO Selenium monoxide rSeO 1.639 1.725 0.085
C4H8O2 Ethyl acetate rCO 1.448 1.533 0.085
C2H5NO3 Nitric acid, ethyl ester rNO 1.215 1.300 0.085
NH Imidogen rNH 1.034 1.119 0.085
NH Imidogen rNH 1.036 1.121 0.085
KBr Potassium Bromide rKBr 2.821 2.736 -0.084
OH Hydroxyl radical rOH 0.970 1.054 0.084
DO Hydroxyl-d rDO 0.970 1.054 0.084
HOBr Hypobromous acid rOH 0.961 1.045 0.084
PO Phosphorus monoxide rPO 1.476 1.559 0.083
PO Phosphorus monoxide rPO 1.476 1.559 0.083
H2Cl+ dihydrogen monochloride cation rHCl 1.321 1.404 0.083
H2Cl+ dihydrogen monochloride cation rHCl 1.321 1.404 0.083
ClNO2 Nitryl chloride rNO 1.202 1.285 0.083
Cl3PO Phosphoryl chloride rPO 1.455 1.538 0.083
NH Imidogen rNH 1.036 1.119 0.083
ClCN chlorocyanogen rCCl 1.629 1.711 0.082
N2O Nitrous oxide rNO 1.184 1.266 0.082
N2O Nitrous oxide rNO 1.184 1.266 0.082
CH2BrCl Methane, bromochloro- rCCl 1.755 1.837 0.082
C2H6N2O2 Dimethylnitroamine rNO 1.223 1.305 0.082
HNO3 Nitric acid rOH 0.964 1.046 0.082
AlS Aluminum sulfide rAlS 2.029 1.948 -0.081
O2 Oxygen diatomic rOO 1.208 1.289 0.081
O2 Oxygen diatomic rOO 1.208 1.289 0.081
HF Hydrogen fluoride rHF 0.917 0.998 0.081
HF Hydrogen fluoride rHF 0.917 0.998 0.081
C2H5NO3 Nitric acid, ethyl ester rNO 1.215 1.296 0.081
HNO2 Nitrous acid rOH 0.959 1.040 0.081
DF Hydrofluoric acid-d rDF 0.917 0.998 0.080
HOBr Hypobromous acid rOH 0.961 1.041 0.080
TiH Titanium monohydride rHTi 1.785 1.705 -0.080
S3 Sulfur trimer rSS 1.917 1.997 0.080
C4N2 2-Butynedinitrile rCN 1.140 1.220 0.080
BCl boron monochloride rBCl 1.719 1.799 0.079
C3O2 Carbon suboxide rCO 1.146 1.225 0.079
CaH Calcium monohydride rCaH 2.003 2.081 0.079
CaH Calcium monohydride rCaH 2.003 2.081 0.079
CH3OCl methyl hypochlorite rCO 1.389 1.468 0.079
PCl phosphorus chloride rPCl 2.018 2.096 0.078
C4H6O2 2,3-Butanedione rCC 1.507 1.584 0.077
AsN Arsenic mononitride rNAs 1.618 1.542 -0.077
NF3 Nitrogen trifluoride rNF 1.365 1.442 0.077
C4H8O2 Ethyl acetate rCO 1.345 1.422 0.077
C4H6O2 2,3-Butanedione rCC 1.507 1.583 0.076
C4H6O2 2,3-Butanedione rCC 1.507 1.583 0.076
N2H2 (E)-diazene rNN 1.252 1.327 0.076
N2H2 (E)-diazene rNN 1.252 1.327 0.076
ScF Scandium monofluoride rFSc 1.788 1.863 0.076
HNO Nitrosyl hydride rNO 1.209 1.284 0.075
O3 Ozone rOO 1.278 1.353 0.075
CH2 Methylene rCH 1.085 1.160 0.075
CH2 Methylene rCH 1.085 1.160 0.075
CH2 Methylene rCH 1.085 1.160 0.075
CH2 Methylene rCH 1.085 1.160 0.075
VO Vanadium monoxide rVO 1.589 1.514 -0.075
O3 Ozone rOO 1.278 1.353 0.075
BrCl Bromine monochloride rClBr 2.136 2.211 0.075
KF Potassium Fluoride rKF 2.171 2.246 0.075
N2O3 Dinitrogen trioxide rNO 1.217 1.292 0.075
H2SO4 Sulfuric acid rOH 0.970 1.044 0.074
NH2OH hydroxylamine rOH 0.962 1.035 0.073
NH2OH hydroxylamine rOH 0.962 1.035 0.073
NO- nitric oxide anion rNO 1.258 1.331 0.073
NO- nitric oxide anion rNO 1.258 1.331 0.073
HCOOH Formic acid rCO 1.343 1.415 0.072
NH2 Amino radical rNH 1.024 1.096 0.072
H2O Water rOH 0.958 1.030 0.072
H2O Water rOH 0.958 1.030 0.072
HOCO+ Hydrocarboxyl cation rCO 1.140 1.212 0.072
As4 Arsenic tetramer rAsAs 2.435 2.363 -0.072
N2H2 (E)-diazene rNH 1.028 1.100 0.072
N2H2 (E)-diazene rNH 1.028 1.100 0.072
CH3NO nitrosomethane rNO 1.211 1.283 0.071
CH2CHOH ethenol rOH 0.960 1.031 0.071
Si2 Silicon diatomic rSiSi 2.246 2.175 -0.071
HOCl hypochlorous acid rOH 0.973 1.044 0.070
HOCO+ Hydrocarboxyl cation rOH 0.977 1.047 0.070
HCl Hydrogen chloride rHCl 1.275 1.345 0.070
GeCl2 Germanium dichloride rClGe 2.186 2.116 -0.070
DCl Hydrochloric acid-d rDCl 1.275 1.345 0.070
BrF Bromine monofluoride rFBr 1.759 1.829 0.070
SiF4 Silicon tetrafluoride rSiF 1.554 1.624 0.070
CH2Cl chloromethyl radical rCCl 1.691 1.761 0.070
CH2Cl chloromethyl radical rCCl 1.691 1.761 0.070
CH2Cl chloromethyl radical rCCl 1.691 1.761 0.070
CH2Cl chloromethyl radical rCCl 1.691 1.761 0.070
ClSSCl Disulfur dichloride rSS 1.931 2.000 0.069
PCl phosphorus chloride rPCl 2.018 2.086 0.068
CF2 Difluoromethylene rCF 1.297 1.366 0.068
HClO4 perchloric acid rOH 0.980 1.048 0.068
NH2F monofluoroamine rNH 1.023 1.091 0.068
HCNO fulminic acid rNO 1.199 1.267 0.068
C4H5NO 3-Methylisoxazole rCN 1.310 1.378 0.068
FSSF Difluorodisulfane rFS 1.635 1.702 0.067
HCNO fulminic acid rNO 1.199 1.266 0.067
HCNO fulminic acid rNO 1.199 1.266 0.067
CO Carbon monoxide rCO 1.128 1.195 0.067
HCCCl Chloroacetylene rCCl 1.637 1.704 0.067
AsH Arsenic monohydride rAsH 1.535 1.468 -0.067
CO Carbon monoxide rCO 1.128 1.195 0.067
CH3COF Acetyl fluoride rCO 1.181 1.247 0.066
AsH Arsenic monohydride rAsH 1.535 1.469 -0.066
AsH Arsenic monohydride rAsH 1.535 1.469 -0.066
HCOOH Formic acid rCO 1.343 1.409 0.066
PCl5 Phosphorus pentachloride rPCl 2.124 2.190 0.066
FCO Carbonyl fluoride rCO 1.180 1.246 0.066
NH2OH hydroxylamine rNH 1.016 1.081 0.065
KrH+ Protonated Krypton rHKr 1.421 1.486 0.065
COBr2 Carbonic dibromide rCO 1.172 1.237 0.065
C3H8O2 1,3-Propanediol rCO 1.410 1.475 0.065
C4H8O2 1,3-Dioxane rCO 1.393 1.458 0.065
NH2OH hydroxylamine rNH 1.016 1.081 0.065
CH Methylidyne rCH 1.120 1.185 0.065
HCNO fulminic acid rCH 1.027 1.092 0.065
HCNO fulminic acid rCH 1.027 1.092 0.065
HCO Formyl radical rCH 1.080 1.145 0.065
CBr Carbon monobromide rCBr 1.821 1.885 0.064
S2 Sulfur diatomic rSS 1.889 1.954 0.064
HFCO formyl fluoride rCO 1.181 1.245 0.064
C3F6 hexafluoropropene rCC 1.513 1.577 0.064
BH3CO Borane carbonyl rCO 1.135 1.199 0.064
HCOOH Formic acid rOH 0.972 1.036 0.064
OCS Carbonyl sulfide rCO 1.160 1.224 0.064
HF+ hydrogen fluoride cation rHF 1.014 1.078 0.064
CuO Copper Monoxide rCuO 1.724 1.661 -0.063
Si2 Silicon diatomic rSiSi 2.246 2.183 -0.063
CH2Cl chloromethyl radical rCCl 1.691 1.754 0.063
CH2Cl chloromethyl radical rCCl 1.691 1.754 0.063
C4H5NO Isoxazole, 5-methyl- rCN 1.310 1.373 0.063
C2N2 Cyanogen rCN 1.154 1.216 0.062
C2N2 Cyanogen rCN 1.154 1.216 0.062
CF2 Difluoromethylene rCF 1.297 1.359 0.062
SF Monosulfur monofluoride rSF 1.599 1.661 0.062
SF Monosulfur monofluoride rSF 1.599 1.661 0.062
FNO Nitrosyl fluoride rNF 1.512 1.450 -0.062
OCSe Carbonyl selenide rCSe 1.709 1.647 -0.062
CF3 Trifluoromethyl radical rCF 1.318 1.379 0.061
LiH Lithium Hydride rLiH 1.595 1.534 -0.061
C4H5NO Isoxazole, 5-methyl- rCO 1.342 1.403 0.061
SiHCl3 Trichlorosilane rSiCl 2.020 2.081 0.061
SiCl4 Silane, tetrachloro- rSiCl 2.019 2.079 0.060
HCNO fulminic acid rCN 1.168 1.228 0.060
HPO Hydrogen phosphorus oxide rPO 1.512 1.572 0.060
HCNO fulminic acid rCN 1.168 1.228 0.060
S2 Sulfur diatomic rSS 1.889 1.949 0.060
HBr+ hydrogen bromide cation rHBr 1.448 1.508 0.060
HBr+ hydrogen bromide cation rHBr 1.448 1.508 0.060
HCOOH Formic acid rOH 0.972 1.032 0.060
OCSe Carbonyl selenide rCO 1.159 1.218 0.059
CH2CO Ketene rCO 1.162 1.221 0.059
CH2FCH2CH3 1-Fluoropropane rCC 1.501 1.560 0.059
CH2NH Methanimine rNH 1.023 1.082 0.059
B4H10 Tetraborane(10) rHB 1.221 1.162 -0.059
HOBr Hypobromous acid rBrO 1.834 1.892 0.058
FCN Cyanogen fluoride rCN 1.159 1.217 0.058
BeS beryllium sulfide rBeS 1.742 1.684 -0.057
HNCNH diiminomethane rNH 1.007 1.064 0.057
AlC Aluminum carbide rCAl 1.955 1.898 -0.057
CH3CCl(CH3)CH3 Propane, 2-chloro-2-methyl- rCCl 1.803 1.860 0.057
HNO2 Nitrous acid rNO 1.442 1.498 0.056
HNC hydrogen isocyanide rNH 0.986 1.043 0.056
SiH2 silicon dihydride rSiH 1.514 1.458 -0.056
HCCl Chloromethylene rCCl 1.696 1.752 0.056
MgF Magnesium monofluoride rMgF 1.750 1.694 -0.056
SiF2 Silicon difluoride rFSi 1.590 1.646 0.056
NSe Nitrogen monoselenide rNSe 1.652 1.708 0.056
PF phosphorus monofluoride rFP 1.593 1.648 0.055
HNO Nitrosyl hydride rNH 1.090 1.146 0.055
C3 carbon trimer rCC 1.277 1.333 0.055
C3 carbon trimer rCC 1.277 1.333 0.055
SiP Silicon monophosphide rSiP 2.078 2.022 -0.055
C3 carbon trimer rCC 1.277 1.332 0.055
SiF+ silicon monofluoride cation rFSi 1.527 1.582 0.055
SiF+ silicon monofluoride cation rFSi 1.527 1.582 0.055
CH3CF3 Ethane, 1,1,1-trifluoro- rCF 1.340 1.395 0.055
C3 carbon trimer rCC 1.277 1.332 0.055
C3 carbon trimer rCC 1.277 1.332 0.055
C6H4Cl2 1,4-dichlorobenzene rCCl 1.729 1.784 0.055
HCCCN Cyanoacetylene rCN 1.161 1.215 0.055
CF3Br Bromotrifluoromethane rCF 1.327 1.381 0.054
AlH2 aluminum dihydride rAlH 1.590 1.536 -0.054
PF phosphorus monofluoride rFP 1.593 1.647 0.054
Li2O dilithium oxide rLiO 1.606 1.552 -0.054
Li2O dilithium oxide rLiO 1.606 1.552 -0.054
CH2 Methylene rCH 1.107 1.160 0.053
CH2 Methylene rCH 1.107 1.160 0.053
CH2 Methylene rCH 1.107 1.160 0.053
CH2 Methylene rCH 1.107 1.160 0.053
C4H5NO 3-Methylisoxazole rCO 1.342 1.395 0.053
C3H5Cl 1-chloro-1-propene(E) rCCl 1.728 1.781 0.053
AsF5 Arsenic pentafluoride rAsF 1.711 1.764 0.053
C4F6 perfluorobutadiene rCC 1.336 1.389 0.053
F3NO Nitrogen trifluoride oxide rNF 1.431 1.484 0.053
NH2CN cyanamide rCN 1.159 1.212 0.053
BH Boron monohydride rBH 1.232 1.180 -0.052
C3H4O Methylketene rCO 1.171 1.223 0.052
FCN Cyanogen fluoride rCF 1.262 1.314 0.052
BrCN Cyanogen bromide rCN 1.158 1.210 0.052
C4F6 perfluorobutadiene rCC 1.336 1.388 0.052
SiCl Clorosilylidyne rSiCl 2.061 2.113 0.052
CH3NC methyl isocyanide rCN 1.166 1.218 0.052
SiH2Cl2 dichlorosilane rSiCl 2.033 2.084 0.051
HCCl Chloromethylene rCH 1.119 1.170 0.051
SiH2Cl2 dichlorosilane rSiCl 2.033 2.084 0.051
C3H7N Cyclopropylamine rNH 1.011 1.062 0.051
CH3CH(CH3)ONO Isopropyl nitrite rCO 1.432 1.483 0.051
NH3 Ammonia rNH 1.012 1.064 0.051
ClCN chlorocyanogen rCN 1.161 1.212 0.051
NH3 Ammonia rNH 1.012 1.063 0.051
HCNO fulminic acid rCH 1.027 1.078 0.051
CH3OC2H5 Ethane, methoxy- rCO 1.407 1.458 0.051
C3H4O Cyclopropanone rCO 1.191 1.242 0.051
CSe2 Carbon diselenide rCSe 1.692 1.642 -0.051
B2Cl4 Diboron tetrachloride rBB 1.702 1.651 -0.051
B4H10 Tetraborane(10) rHB 1.484 1.434 -0.050
B2Cl4 Diboron tetrachloride rBB 1.702 1.652 -0.050
C3F6 hexafluoropropene rCC 1.329 1.379 0.050
580 molecules.