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Bad Calculated Bond Lengths

List of molecules with calculated bond lengths that differ by more than 0.050 Å from experimental bond lengths.

Calculated at B97D3/cc-pVTZ-PP

Species Name Bond type Bond Length (Å)
Experimental Calculated Difference
GaAs Gallium arsenide rGaAs 2.530 2.619 0.089
GaBr Gallium monobromide rGaBr 2.352 2.416 0.063
AlI Aluminum monoiodide rAlI 2.537 2.597 0.060
CH2FI fluoroiodomethane rCI 2.140 2.198 0.058
NaI Sodium Iodide rNaI 2.711 2.770 0.058
GaCl Gallium monochloride rClGa 2.202 2.257 0.055
XeF4 Xenon tetrafluoride rFXe 1.935 1.990 0.055
XeF2 Xenon difluoride rFXe 1.974 2.027 0.053
C2H5I Ethyl iodide rCI 2.151 2.203 0.052
I2 Iodine diatomic rII 2.665 2.716 0.051
10 molecules.