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Bad Calculated Bond Lengths

List of molecules with calculated bond lengths that differ by more than 0.050 Å from experimental bond lengths.

Calculated at B3LYP/cc-pVTZ

17 02 03 13 22
Species Name Bond type Bond Length (Å)
Experimental Calculated Difference
C3H3NO Isoxazole rCH 1.075 1.420 0.345
C2H4O3 trioxolane124 rCN 1.303 2.197 0.894
C5H6 1,3-Cyclopentadiene rCC 1.340 3.319 1.979
C5H6 1,3-Cyclopentadiene rCC 1.460 1.080 -0.380
C5H6 1,3-Cyclopentadiene rCC 1.540 1.343 -0.197
C4H10O Methyl propyl ether rCC 1.530 1.092 -0.438
C4H10O Methyl propyl ether rCH 1.099 1.409 0.310
CH3CHCHCH3 2-Butene, (Z)- rCC 1.346 3.172 1.826
CH3CHCHCH3 2-Butene, (Z)- rCC 1.506 2.544 1.038
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.085 4.200 3.115
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.087 3.414 2.327
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCC 1.476 2.256 0.780
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.087 1.823 0.736
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.098 1.773 0.675
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.098 1.754 0.656
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCH 1.070 1.507 0.437
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCC 1.515 1.089 -0.426
C4H6 1-Methylcyclopropene rCC 1.300 1.507 0.207
CH3SO2NH2 methanesulfonamide rCN 1.207 1.684 0.477
GaP Gallium monophosphide rPGa 2.450 2.261 -0.189
Ne2 Neon diatomic rNeNe 3.100 2.802 -0.298
Ar2 Argon diatomic rArAr 3.758 4.342 0.584
Ar2+ Argon diatomic cation rArAr 2.320 2.547 0.227
Al2Cl6 Aluminum, di-μ-chlorotetrachlorodi- rAlCl 2.040 2.295 0.255
Al2Cl6 Aluminum, di-μ-chlorotetrachlorodi- rAlCl 2.240 2.093 -0.147
HSSSH trisulfane rHS 1.344 2.085 0.741
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.400 2.230 -0.170
AlP Aluminum monophosphide rAlP 2.220 2.091 -0.129
Al2 Aluminum diatomic rAlAl 2.701 2.507 -0.194
29 molecules.