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Bad vibrational frequency predictions

19 02 11 15 45

Calculated frequencies that differ from experiment by more than 400 cm-1 or have a ratio with experiment outside of 0.7 to 1.2 are listed

Calculated vibrational frequencies ("theory" in table) are calculated at QCISD(TQ)/aug-cc-pVTZ
Calculated values were scaled by 1.

Species Name mode int rot Symmetry Experiment Theory difference ratio
HCN+ hydrogen cyanide cation 3 Π 760 3977 3217 0.191
C2H Ethynyl radical 3 torsion Π 372 279 -93 1.332
CH3 Methyl radical 2 torsion A2" 606 497 -109 1.220
NO2 Nitrogen dioxide 1 A1 1318 1071 -247 1.230
NO2 Nitrogen dioxide 3 B2 1618 1238 -380 1.306
AsSe Arsenic monoselenide 1 Σ 280 424 144 0.660
VO Vanadium monoxide 1 Σ 1002 2346 1345 0.427
C3 carbon trimer 3 Πu 63 -76 -139 -0.840
SiH2D2 silane-d2 6 B1 2183 1629 -554 1.340
SiH2D2 silane-d2 8 B2 1601 2253 652 0.711