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All results from a given calculation for C5H10S (2H-Thiopyran, tetrahydro-)

using model chemistry: B1B95/6-311G**

19 10 17 12 22

States and conformations

State Conformation minimum conformation conformer description state description
1 1 yes CS 1A'
Energy calculated at B1B95/6-311G**
Energy at 0K-594.739977
Energy at 298.15K-594.752235
Nuclear repulsion energy312.971996
The energy at 298.15K was derived from the energy at 0K and an integrated heat capacity that used the calculated vibrational frequencies.
Vibrational Frequencies calculated at B1B95/6-311G**
Mode Number Symmetry Frequency
Scaled Frequency
IR Intensities
(km mol-1)
Raman Act
Dep P Dep U
1 A 3118 2994 18.72      
2 A 3090 2967 60.31      
3 A 3081 2958 47.17      
4 A 3044 2922 24.51      
5 A 3036 2915 24.95      
6 A 3023 2902 22.67      
7 A 1483 1424 4.06      
8 A 1469 1411 12.54      
9 A 1458 1399 11.10      
10 A 1379 1324 0.50      
11 A 1336 1283 5.05      
12 A 1268 1217 0.77      
13 A 1239 1190 7.23      
14 A 1080 1037 3.22      
15 A 1037 996 1.09      
16 A 979 940 9.83      
17 A 836 803 4.72      
18 A 826 793 1.10      
19 A 670 643 4.10      
20 A 479 460 0.71      
21 A 349 335 0.47      
22 A 334 321 0.02      
23 A 174 167 1.78      
24 A 3119 2995 11.97      
25 A 3083 2960 21.85      
26 A 3046 2924 14.78      
27 A 3036 2915 48.36      
28 A 1463 1405 4.60      
29 A 1453 1395 1.45      
30 A 1386 1331 0.04      
31 A 1365 1311 0.14      
32 A 1297 1245 12.51      
33 A 1287 1235 5.72      
34 A 1167 1121 0.10      
35 A 1108 1064 0.23      
36 A 1094 1051 0.69      
37 A 953 915 0.89      
38 A 905 869 3.93      
39 A 792 761 0.18      
40 A 698 671 0.30      
41 A 392 376 0.22      
42 A 231 222 0.48      

Unscaled Zero Point Vibrational Energy (zpe) 31331.6 cm-1
Scaled (by 0.9601) Zero Point Vibrational Energy (zpe) 30081.4 cm-1
See section III.C.1 List or set vibrational scaling factors to change the scale factors used here.
See section III.C.2 Calculate a vibrational scaling factor for a given set of molecules to determine the least squares best scaling factor.
Rotational Constants (cm-1) from geometry optimized at B1B95/6-311G**
0.13408 0.10064 0.06418

See section I.F.4 to change rotational constant units
Geometric Data calculated at B1B95/6-311G**

Point Group is Cs

Cartesians (Å)
Atom x (Å) y (Å) z (Å)
S1 -0.767 -1.294 0.000
C2 0.818 1.509 0.000
C3 0.145 1.002 1.272
C4 0.145 1.002 -1.272
C5 0.145 -0.515 1.364
C6 0.145 -0.515 -1.364
H7 0.823 2.602 0.000
H8 1.868 1.193 0.000
H9 1.168 -0.903 1.370
H10 1.168 -0.903 -1.370
H11 0.660 1.411 2.147
H12 0.660 1.411 -2.147
H13 -0.888 1.359 1.308
H14 -0.888 1.359 -1.308
H15 -0.343 -0.857 -2.277
H16 -0.343 -0.857 2.277

Atom - Atom Distances (Å)
  S1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11 H12 H13 H14 H15 H16

picture of 2H-Thiopyran, tetrahydro- state 1 conformation 1
More geometry information
Calculated Bond Angles
atom1 atom2 atom3 angle atom1 atom2 atom3 angle
S1 C5 C3 112.484 S1 C5 H9 108.773
S1 C5 H16 105.615 S1 C6 C4 112.484
S1 C6 H10 108.773 S1 C6 H15 105.615
C2 C3 C5 112.487 C2 C3 H11 109.589
C2 C3 H13 109.628 C2 C4 C6 112.487
C2 C4 H12 109.589 C2 C4 H14 109.628
C3 C2 C4 112.971 C3 C2 H7 109.555
C3 C2 H8 109.056 C3 C5 H9 110.743
C3 C5 H16 111.342 C4 C2 H7 109.555
C4 C2 H8 109.056 C4 C6 H10 110.743
C4 C6 H15 111.342 C5 S1 C6 97.350
C5 C3 H11 108.933 C5 C3 H13 108.887
C6 C4 H12 108.933 C6 C4 H14 108.887
H7 C2 H8 106.434 H9 C5 H16 107.638
H10 C6 H15 107.638 H11 C3 H13 107.170
H12 C4 H14 107.170
Electronic energy levels
Charges, Dipole, Quadrupole and Polarizability
Charges from optimized geometry at B1B95/6-311G** Charges (e)
Number Element Mulliken CHELPG AIM ESP
1 S 0.083      
2 C -0.258      
3 C -0.241      
4 C -0.241      
5 C -0.423      
6 C -0.423      
7 H 0.136      
8 H 0.129      
9 H 0.164      
10 H 0.164      
11 H 0.133      
12 H 0.133      
13 H 0.150      
14 H 0.150      
15 H 0.171      
16 H 0.171      

Electric dipole moments
Electric dipole components in Debye
(What's a Debye? See section VII.A.3)
  x y z Total
  1.310 1.426 0.000 1.936

Electric Quadrupole moment
Quadrupole components in D Å
x -47.397 -1.284 0.000
y -1.284 -48.746 0.000
z 0.000 0.000 -42.111
x -1.968 -1.284 0.000
y -1.284 -3.991 0.000
z 0.000 0.000 5.960

Components of the polarizability tensor.
Units are Å3 (Angstrom cubed)
Change units.
  x y z
x 9.528 1.182 0.000
y 1.182 10.863 0.000
z 0.000 0.000 11.568

<r2> (average value of r2) Å2
<r2> 195.466
(<r2>)1/2 13.981