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All results from a given calculation for C4H12N2 (1,2-Butanediamine)

using model chemistry: wB97X-D/cc-pVDZ

19 10 17 12 22

States and conformations

State Conformation minimum conformation conformer description state description
1 1 yes C1 1A
Energy calculated at wB97X-D/cc-pVDZ
Energy at 0K-269.098092
Energy at 298.15K-269.112860
HF Energy-269.098092
Nuclear repulsion energy262.922038
The energy at 298.15K was derived from the energy at 0K and an integrated heat capacity that used the calculated vibrational frequencies.
Vibrational Frequencies calculated at wB97X-D/cc-pVDZ
Mode Number Symmetry Frequency
Scaled Frequency
IR Intensities
(km mol-1)
Raman Act
Dep P Dep U
1 A 3662 3489 7.58      
2 A 3653 3480 2.53      
3 A 3561 3392 4.02      
4 A 3559 3390 0.27      
5 A 3146 2997 41.46      
6 A 3137 2989 37.88      
7 A 3118 2970 15.83      
8 A 3089 2942 45.42      
9 A 3076 2930 14.49      
10 A 3052 2907 36.64      
11 A 2969 2828 129.22      
12 A 2951 2811 62.85      
13 A 1666 1587 55.52      
14 A 1653 1575 58.88      
15 A 1522 1450 7.23      
16 A 1515 1443 10.40      
17 A 1505 1433 7.16      
18 A 1489 1418 2.30      
19 A 1444 1376 0.82      
20 A 1435 1367 10.95      
21 A 1420 1352 6.09      
22 A 1403 1336 16.77      
23 A 1354 1290 1.65      
24 A 1314 1252 1.23      
25 A 1293 1232 3.08      
26 A 1267 1207 1.94      
27 A 1204 1147 4.09      
28 A 1168 1113 6.69      
29 A 1118 1065 5.42      
30 A 1080 1029 6.65      
31 A 1072 1022 1.78      
32 A 1021 973 3.13      
33 A 991 944 20.91      
34 A 930 886 12.06      
35 A 902 859 65.60      
36 A 847 807 151.06      
37 A 816 777 55.90      
38 A 768 732 1.49      
39 A 630 600 20.99      
40 A 452 431 5.23      
41 A 389 371 3.57      
42 A 340 324 30.49      
43 A 277 264 51.25      
44 A 254 242 21.94      
45 A 231 220 5.45      
46 A 217 206 2.10      
47 A 145 138 4.76      
48 A 68 65 0.68      

Unscaled Zero Point Vibrational Energy (zpe) 37086.1 cm-1
Scaled (by 0.9526) Zero Point Vibrational Energy (zpe) 35328.2 cm-1
See section III.C.1 List or set vibrational scaling factors to change the scale factors used here.
See section III.C.2 Calculate a vibrational scaling factor for a given set of molecules to determine the least squares best scaling factor.
Rotational Constants (cm-1) from geometry optimized at wB97X-D/cc-pVDZ
0.18746 0.07327 0.06322

See section I.F.4 to change rotational constant units
Geometric Data calculated at wB97X-D/cc-pVDZ

Point Group is C1

Cartesians (Å)
Atom x (Å) y (Å) z (Å)
N1 1.990 -0.624 -0.635
H2 1.881 0.146 -1.292
H3 2.981 -0.827 -0.557
C4 -2.424 -0.342 -0.103
H5 -3.057 -1.171 -0.434
H6 -2.765 -0.042 0.895
H7 -2.613 0.490 -0.790
N8 0.021 1.506 -0.325
H9 0.509 2.256 0.156
H10 -0.916 1.848 -0.510
C11 -0.952 -0.758 -0.089
H12 -0.846 -1.675 0.503
H13 -0.612 -1.001 -1.099
C14 1.431 -0.224 0.655
H15 2.024 0.563 1.156
H16 1.431 -1.091 1.326
C17 -0.009 0.292 0.510
H18 -0.372 0.518 1.529

Atom - Atom Distances (Å)
  N1 H2 H3 C4 H5 H6 H7 N8 H9 H10 C11 H12 H13 C14 H15 H16 C17 H18

picture of 1,2-Butanediamine state 1 conformation 1
More geometry information
Calculated Bond Angles
atom1 atom2 atom3 angle atom1 atom2 atom3 angle
N1 C14 H15 112.941 N1 C14 H16 108.899
N1 C14 C17 111.524 H2 N1 H3 107.795
H2 N1 C14 108.761 H3 N1 C14 111.101
C4 C11 H12 108.918 C4 C11 H13 110.534
C4 C11 C17 114.163 H5 C4 H6 107.632
H5 C4 H7 106.593 H5 C4 C11 110.745
H6 C4 H7 108.005 H6 C4 C11 111.424
H7 C4 C11 112.205 N8 C17 C11 110.776
N8 C17 C14 108.118 N8 C17 H18 111.210
H9 N8 H10 106.298 H9 N8 C17 110.431
H10 N8 C17 111.248 C11 C17 C14 112.520
C11 C17 H18 107.360 H12 C11 H13 106.459
H12 C11 C17 107.616 H13 C11 C17 108.831
C14 C17 H18 106.817 H15 C14 H16 106.593
H15 C14 C17 107.855 H16 C14 C17 108.845
Electronic energy levels
Charges, Dipole, Quadrupole and Polarizability
Charges from optimized geometry at wB97X-D/cc-pVDZ Charges (e)
Number Element Mulliken CHELPG AIM ESP
1 N -0.663      
2 H 0.317      
3 H 0.292      
4 C -0.574      
5 H 0.164      
6 H 0.153      
7 H 0.141      
8 N -0.686      
9 H 0.290      
10 H 0.287      
11 C -0.216      
12 H 0.147      
13 H 0.187      
14 C -0.325      
15 H 0.114      
16 H 0.143      
17 C 0.108      
18 H 0.122      

Electric dipole moments
Electric dipole components in Debye
(What's a Debye? See section VII.A.3)
  x y z Total
  0.020 1.330 1.379 1.916

Electric Quadrupole moment
Quadrupole components in D Å
x -36.057 0.399 1.138
y 0.399 -39.345 -0.467
z 1.138 -0.467 -41.498
x 4.365 0.399 1.138
y 0.399 -0.568 -0.467
z 1.138 -0.467 -3.797

Components of the polarizability tensor.
Units are Å3 (Angstrom cubed)
Change units.
  x y z
x 10.575 0.060 0.043
y 0.060 9.370 0.068
z 0.043 0.068 9.087

<r2> (average value of r2) Å2
<r2> 206.430
(<r2>)1/2 14.368