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List of experimental bond angles of type aCCS

Bond angles in degrees.
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Bond type Species Name Angle Comment
aCCS C2H4S Thiirane 65.87 by symmetry
aCCS C3H6S Thietane 90.60
aCCS C4H6S Thiophene, 2,5-dihydro- 105.00 adjusted from listed value of 106.25 to get C=C bond distance to agree with listed value of 1.34
aCCS C4H8S Thiophene, tetrahydro- 106.10
aCCS C3H7SH 1-Propanethiol 108.60
aCCS CH3CH2SH ethanethiol 108.60
aCCS CH3SCH2CH3 Ethane, (methylthio)- 109.50
aCCS CH3CHSHCH3 2-Propanethiol 111.20
aC=CS C4H4S Thiophene 111.50
aC=CS C5H6S Thiophene, 3-methyl- 111.50 !assumed
aCCS CH2SHCH2SH 1,2-Ethanedithiol 112.00
aCCS C5H10S 2H-Thiopyran, tetrahydro- 112.70
aCCS CH3CH2SH ethanethiol 113.62
aCC=S CH3CSNH2 Ethanethioamide 122.90
aCC=S CH3CHS Thioacetaldehyde 125.28
Average 107.66 ±13.93
Min 65.87
Max 125.28