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Geometry for C3H3N3O3 (cyanuric acid) 1A1' D3H

InChI=1S/C3H3N3O3/c7-1-4-2(8)6-3(9)5-1/h(H3,4,5,6,7,8,9) INChIKey=ZFSLODLOARCGLH-UHFFFAOYSA-N


Point group is D3h
Atom Internal
x (Å) y (Å) z (Å)
C1 1.2460 0.7194 0.0000
C2 -1.2460 0.7194 0.0000
C3 0.0000 -1.4387 0.0000
N4 0.0000 1.3401 0.0000
N5 -1.1605 -0.6700 0.0000
N6 1.1605 -0.6700 0.0000
O7 2.2952 1.3251 0.0000
O8 -2.2952 1.3251 0.0000
O9 0.0000 -2.6502 0.0000
H10 0.0000 2.3524 0.0000
H11 -2.0373 -1.1762 0.0000
H12 2.0373 -1.1762 0.0000
Atom - Atom Distances (Å)
  C1 C2 C3 N4 N5 N6 O7 O8 O9 H10 H11 H12
C1 2.4920 2.4920 1.3920 2.7788 1.3920 1.2115 3.5926 3.5926 2.0541 3.7912 2.0541
C2 2.4920 2.4920 1.3920 1.3920 2.7788 3.5926 1.2115 3.5926 2.0541 2.0541 3.7912
C3 2.4920 2.4920 2.7788 1.3920 1.3920 3.5926 3.5926 1.2115 3.7912 2.0541 2.0541
N4 1.3920 1.3920 2.7788 2.3211 2.3211 2.2952 2.2952 3.9903 1.0124 3.2376 3.2376
N5 2.7788 1.3920 1.3920 2.3211 2.3211 3.9903 2.2952 2.2952 3.2376 1.0124 3.2376
N6 1.3920 2.7788 1.3920 2.3211 2.3211 2.2952 3.9903 2.2952 3.2376 3.2376 1.0124
O7 1.2115 3.5926 3.5926 2.2952 3.9903 2.2952 4.5903 4.5903 2.5146 5.0027 2.5146
O8 3.5926 1.2115 3.5926 2.2952 2.2952 3.9903 4.5903 4.5903 2.5146 2.5146 5.0027
O9 3.5926 3.5926 1.2115 3.9903 2.2952 2.2952 4.5903 4.5903 5.0027 2.5146 2.5146
H10 2.0541 2.0541 3.7912 1.0124 3.2376 3.2376 2.5146 2.5146 5.0027 4.0745 4.0745
H11 3.7912 2.0541 2.0541 3.2376 1.0124 3.2376 5.0027 2.5146 2.5146 4.0745 4.0745
H12 2.0541 3.7912 2.0541 3.2376 3.2376 1.0124 2.5146 5.0027 2.5146 4.0745 4.0745
Maximum atom distance is 5.0027Å between atoms O7 and H11.
picture of cyanuric acid
Calculated Bond Angles (degrees) (Ignoring Hydrogens)
atom1 atom2 atom3 angle         atom1 atom2 atom3 angle
Calculated Bond Angles (degrees) (Involving Hydrogens)
atom1 atom2 atom3 angle         atom1 atom2 atom3 angle

For information on specific bond angles or dihedrals see the geometry comparison page in section Comparisons > Geometry > Bonds, angles.