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You are here: Home > Geometry > Experimental > Same bond/angle many molecules OR Comparisons > Geometry > Bonds, angles > Same bond/angle many molecules

Compare Angles

18 10 26 16 25

Click on entry for experimental details.
Species Name Experimental Angle Calculated Angle Difference
C2H4 Ethylene 117.6 117.0 0.6
H2CO Formaldehyde 116.1 116.3 -0.1
C2H6 Ethane 108.0 107.7 0.3
CH4 Methane 109.5 109.5 -0.0

CID/cc-pVQZ for aHCH

Histogram of angle differences (in degrees) vs number of species

Differences greater than 1 are in the 1 bin. Differences less than -0.2 are in the -0.2 bin.

histogram chart 10
histogram chart 8
histogram chart 6
histogram chart 4
histogram chart 2
histogram chart 0 histogram chart histogram chart histogram chart histogram chart
-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Angle difference calc. - exp. (degrees)

  Species Name Difference (degrees)
Most negative difference H2CO Formaldehyde -0.1
Most positive difference C2H4 Ethylene 0.6