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Compare Bonds

18 10 26 16 45

QCISD/cc-pVDZ for rNH

Histogram of Bond length differences (in Å) vs number of species

Differences greater than 0.200 are in the 0.200 bin. Differences less than -1.000 are in the -1.000 bin.

histogram chart 25
histogram chart 20 histogram chart
histogram chart 15 histogram chart
histogram chart 10 histogram chart
histogram chart 5 histogram chart
histogram chart 0 histogram chart histogram chart histogram chart
-1.000 -0.900 -0.800 -0.700 -0.600 -0.500 -0.400 -0.300 -0.200 -0.100 0.000 0.100 0.200
bond length difference calc. - exp. (Å)

  Species Name Difference (Å)
Most negative difference H2ONH3 Water Ammonia Dimer-0.956
Most positive difference HN3 hydrogen azide0.053

Bond lengths
Click on entry for experimental details.

Species Name Experimental (Å) Difference (Å)
H2ONH3 Water Ammonia Dimer 2.983 -0.956
B3N3H6 borazine 1.050 -0.036
CH3CH2NH2 Ethylamine 1.052 -0.026
HNO Nitrosyl hydride 1.090 -0.020
NH2CONH2 Urea 1.021 -0.004
C4H9N Pyrrolidine 1.020 0.003
CH3NHCH3 Dimethylamine 1.019 0.004
CH3NH2 methyl amine 1.018 0.006
NH2F monofluoroamine 1.023 0.008
C2H5N Aziridine 1.016 0.009
CH2NH Methanimine 1.023 0.009
BH2NH2 Boranamine 1.004 0.010
H2NCH2COOH Glycine 1.014 0.011
N2H4 Hydrazine 1.016 0.011
NH2OH hydroxylamine 1.016 0.011
NH3 Ammonia 1.012 0.013
BH3NH3 borane ammonia 1.010 0.014
N2H2 (E)-diazene 1.028 0.014
NH2CN cyanamide 1.006 0.015
C4H5N Pyrrole 0.996 0.015
NH2 Amino radical 1.024 0.015
HNCNH diiminomethane 1.007 0.016
NH Imidogen 1.036 0.018
HNC hydrogen isocyanide 0.986 0.020
NH2CONH2 Urea 0.998 0.020
HNCO Isocyanic acid 0.995 0.022
HN3 hydrogen azide 0.975 0.053