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Calculated Proton Affinity

20 10 26 10 44
Name Species   Species Name
2-Propen-1-ol C3H6O CH3COHCH3+ acetone, protonated

Bonding changes

Bond type H-C changed by +1
Bond type C-C changed by +1
Bond type C=C lost 1
Bond type C-O lost 1
Bond type C=O gained 1
Proton Affinities (kJ/mol)
Proton Affinities in kJ/mol
Methods with predefined basis sets

Proton Affinities in kJ/mol
Methods with standard basis sets
For descriptions of the methods (AM1, HF, MP2, ...) and basis sets (3-21G, 3-21G*, 6-31G, ...) see the glossary in section I.C. Predefined means the basis set used is determined by the method.