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Experimental data for SiCl4 (Silane, tetrachloro-)

22 02 02 11 45
Other names
Chlorid kremicity; Extrema; Silane, tetrachloro-; Silicio(tetracloruro di); Silicium(tetrachlorure de); Siliciumtetrachlorid; Siliciumtetrachloride; Silicon chloride; Silicon chloride (SiCl4); Silicon tetrachloride; Silicon(IV) chloride; Tetrachlorosilane; Tetrachlorosilicon; Tetrachlorure de silicium; perchlorosilane;
InChI=1S/Cl4Si/c1-5(2,3)4 FDNAPBUWERUEDA-UHFFFAOYSA-N Cl[Si](Cl)(Cl)Cl perchlorosilane
State Conformation
1A1 TD
Enthalpy of formation (Hfg), Entropy, Integrated heat capacity (0 K to 298.15 K) (HH), Heat Capacity (Cp) An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator.

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Property Value Uncertainty units Reference Comment
Hfg(298.15K) enthalpy of formation -662.20 0.80 kJ mol-1 Gurvich
Hfg(0K) enthalpy of formation -660.08 0.80 kJ mol-1 Gurvich
Entropy (298.15K) entropy 331.45   J K-1 mol-1 Gurvich
Integrated Heat Capacity (0 to 298.15K) integrated heat capacity 19.44   kJ mol-1 Gurvich